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Synthesis, biotransformation, and pharmacokinetic studies of 9-(beta-D-arabinofuranosyl)-6-azidopurine: a prodrug for ara-A designed to utilize the azide reduction pathway.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 1996 Dec 20 , DOI: 10.1021/jm960339p
Lakshmi P. Kotra 1 , Konstantine K. Manouilov 1 , Erica Cretton-Scott 1 , Jean-Pierre Sommadossi 1 , F. Douglas Boudinot 1 , Raymond F. Schinazi 1 , Chung K. Chu 1

As a part of our efforts to design prodrugs for antiviral nucleosides, 9-(beta-D-arabinofuranosyl)-6-azidopurine (6-AAP) was synthesized as a prodrug for ara-A that utilizes the azide reduction biotransformation pathway. 6-AAP was synthesized from ara-A via its 6-chloro analogue 4. The bioconversion of the prodrug was investigated in vitro and in vivo, and the pharmacokinetic parameters were determined. For in vitro studies, 6-AAP was incubated in mouse serum and liver and brain homogenates. The half-lives of 6-AAP in serum and liver and brain homogenates were 3.73, 4.90, and 7.29 h, respectively. 6-AAP was metabolized primarily in the liver homogenate microsomal fraction by the reduction of the azido moiety to the amine, yielding ara-A. However, 6-AAP was found to be stable to adenosine deaminase in a separate in vitro study. The in vivo metabolism and disposition of ara-A and 6-AAP were conducted in mice. When 6-AAP was administered by either oral or intravenous route,the half-life of ara-A was 7-14 times higher than for ara-A administered intravenously. Ara-A could not be found in the brain after the intravenous administration of ara-A. However, after 6-AAP administration (by either oral or intravenous route), significant levels of ara-A were found in the brain. The results of this study demonstrate that 6-AAP is converted to ara-A, potentially increasing the half-life and the brain delivery of ara-A. Further studies to utilize the azide reduction approach on other clinically useful agents containing an amino group are in progress in our laboratories.


