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Ferroelectricity, Antiferroelectricity, and Ultrathin 2D Electron/Hole Gas in Multifunctional Monolayer MXene
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-06 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b01035
Anand Chandrasekaran 1 , Avanish Mishra 1 , Abhishek Kumar Singh 1

The presence of ferroelectric polarization in 2D materials is extremely rare due to the effect of the surface depolarizing field. Here, we use first-principles calculations to show the largest out-of-plane polarization observed in a monolayer in functionalized MXenes (Sc2CO2). The switching of polarization in this new class of ferroelectric materials occurs through a previously unknown intermediate antiferroelectric structure, thus establishing three states for applications in low-dimensional nonvolatile memory. We show that the armchair domain interface acts as an 1D metallic nanowire separating two insulating domains. In the case of the van der Waals bilayer we observe, interestingly, the presence of an ultrathin 2D electron/hole gas (2DEG) on the top/bottom layers, respectively, due to the redistrubution of charge carriers. The 2DEG is nondegenerate due to spin–orbit coupling, thus paving the way for spin–orbitronic devices. The coexistence of ferroelectricity, antiferroelectricity, 2DEG, and spin–orbit splitting in this system suggests that such 2D polar materials possess high potential for device application in a multitude of fields ranging from nanoelectronics to photovoltaics.



由于表面去极化场的影响,二维材料中铁电极化的存在极为罕见。在这里,我们使用第一性原理计算来显示在功能化MXenes(Sc 2 CO 2)。在这种新型的铁电材料中,极化的切换是通过先前未知的中间反铁电结构发生的,从而为低维非易失性存储器中的应用建立了三种状态。我们显示扶手椅域接口充当将两个绝缘域分开的一维金属纳米线。有趣的是,在范德华双层的情况下,由于电荷载流子的重新分布,顶层/底层分别存在超薄2D电子/空穴气体(2DEG)。2DEG由于自旋轨道耦合而不会退化,因此为自旋或双电子器件铺平了道路。铁电,反铁电,2DEG并存,