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Controlling n-Type Doping in MoO3
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-06 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b04479
H. Peelaers 1 , M. L. Chabinyc 1 , C. G. Van de Walle 1

We study the electronic properties of native defects and intentional dopant impurities in MoO3, a widely used transparent conductor. Using first-principles hybrid functional calculations, we show that electron polarons can be self-trapped, but they can also bind to defects; thus, they play an important role in understanding the properties of doped MoO3. Our calculations show that oxygen vacancies can cause unintentional n-type doping in MoO3. Mo vacancies are unlikely to form. Tc and Re impurities on the Mo site and halogens (F, Cl, and Br) on the O site all act as shallow donors but trap electron polarons. Fe, Ru, and Os impurities are amphoteric and will compensate n-type MoO3. Mn dopants are also amphoteric, and they show interesting magnetic properties. These results support the design of doping approaches that optimally exploit functionality.


在MoO 3中控制n型掺杂

我们研究了MoO 3(一种广泛使用的透明导体)中的自然缺陷和故意掺杂的杂质的电子性质。使用第一性原理混合函数计算,我们显示了电子极化子可以被自陷,但它们也可以结合缺陷。因此,它们在理解掺杂的MoO 3的性质中起着重要的作用。我们的计算表明,氧空位会在MoO 3中引起意外的n型掺杂。钼空位不太可能形成。Mo位上的Tc和Re杂质以及O位上的卤素(F,Cl和Br)都充当浅施主,但捕获电子极化子。Fe,Ru和Os杂质是两性的,会补偿n型MoO 3。Mn掺杂剂也是两性的,它们显示出令人感兴趣的磁性。这些结果支持了可以最佳利用功能的掺杂方法的设计。