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Passivation agents and conditions for Mo2C and W2C: Effect on catalytic activity for toluene hydrogenation
Journal of Catalysis ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-03-11 02:22:16
Ali Mehdad, Rolf E. Jentoft, Friederike C. Jentoft

The passivation and reactivation of Mo2C and W2C were investigated by thermogravimetry with effluent gas analysis, and by comparison of the toluene hydrogenation activity of fresh carbides with those of passivated and reactivated carbides (21bar, H2:toluene=33, 150 or 200°C, WHSV=10 or 20ggcat −1 h−1). Contrary to the literature, CO2 and H2O were unsuitable passivation agents for Mo2C. Mo2C and W2C reacted readily with O2 at 40°C. The mass gained during oxidation could be quantitatively removed through reduction in 1bar H2 at 300°C (Mo2C) or 400°C (W2C). The rate of toluene conversion was fully recovered only for Mo2C that had been passivated with an initial O2 concentration of 0.1vol.% and not for other passivation conditions or for W2C. Intervening operation of toluene hydrogenation at 300 or 400°C enhanced the activity of samples that were previously oxidized and reduced or harshly reduced. This enhancement suggests that carbide formation is possible at milder temperatures than typically employed.



通过热重分析和废气分析研究了Mo 2 C和W 2 C的钝化和再活化,并比较了新鲜碳化物与钝化和再活化碳化物的甲苯氢化活性(21bar,H 2:甲苯= 33,150)。或200°C,WHSV = 10或20gg cat -1 h -1)。相反文献,CO 2和H 2 ö分别为沫不适合钝化剂2 C.沫2 C和w ^ 2下用ö容易反应2在40℃下。氧化过程中获得的质量可以通过减少1bar H 2进行定量去除温度为300°C(Mo 2 C)或400°C(W 2 C)。甲苯转化率仅对于以初始O 2浓度为0.1vol。%钝化的Mo 2 C才完全恢复,而对于其他钝化条件或W 2 C则无法完全恢复。甲苯在300或400°C下氢化的中间操作C增强了先前被氧化,还原或严重还原的样品的活性。这种增强表明在比通常使用的温度低的温度下可能形成碳化物。