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Crystal Structures and Electrochemical Performance of Air-Stable Na2/3Ni1/3–xCuxMn2/3O2 in Sodium Cells
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-02-08 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b04769
Lituo Zheng 1 , Jierui Li 1 , M. N. Obrovac 1

Sodium ion batteries have garnered significant research attention in recent years due to the rising demand for large-scale energy storage solutions as well as the high abundance of sodium. P2-type layered oxide materials have been identified as promising positive electrode materials for sodium ion batteries. Previously, P2–Na2/3Ni1/3Mn2/3O2 was shown to have a high operating voltage and high capacity but suffers from a step-like voltage curve and capacity loss during cycling, potentially due to its P2–O2 transition at high voltages. One strategy to improve cycling performance has been to dope Ni2+ with other 2+ cations, such as Zn2+ or Mg2+, which improved capacity retention but significantly decreases reversible capacity, since these ions were not electrochemically active. Since Cu2+ has been shown to be electrochemically active, we replaced Ni2+ with Cu2+, resulting in air-stable Na2/3Ni1/3–xCuxMn2/3O2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1/3). Both Ni2+/Ni4+ and Cu2+/Cu3+ participate in the redox reaction during cycling, capacity retention was greatly improved, and phase changes were suppressed during cycling without sacrificing much capacity. The material retains a P2/OP4 structure even when cycled to high voltages. The doping strategy is a promising approach for the future development of positive electrode materials for sodium ion batteries.


钠电池中空气稳定的Na 2/3 Ni 1 / 3– x Cu x Mn 2/3 O 2的晶体结构和电化学性能

近年来,由于对大型储能解决方案的需求不断增长以及钠的含量很高,钠离子电池已引起了广泛的研究关注。P2型层状氧化物材料已被确定为有前途的钠离子电池正极材料。以前,P2-Na 2/3 Ni 1/3 Mn 2/3 O 2具有较高的工作电压和高容量,但由于其P2-氧气在高压下转变。改善循环性能的一种策略是将Ni 2+掺入其他2+阳离子,例如Zn 2+或Mg 2+,因为这些离子没有电化学活性,因此提高了容量保持能力,但显着降低了可逆容量。由于铜2+已被证明是电化学活性的,我们所取代的Ni 2+与铜2+,产生空气稳定的Na 2/3的Ni 1 / 3- X的Cu X的Mn 2/3 Ø 2(0≤ X ≤ 1/3)。Ni 2+ / Ni 4+和Cu 2+ / Cu 3+参与循环过程中的氧化还原反应,容量保持能力大大提高,并且在循环过程中抑制了相变而没有牺牲太多的容量。该材料即使在循环至高电压时仍保持P2 / OP4结构。掺杂策略是钠离子电池正极材料未来发展的一种有前途的方法。