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Odd–Even Effect on Nematic SmAd Phase Boundary and SmAd Structure in Homologous Binary Systems of Cyanobiphenyl Mesogens: 4-Alkyl-4′-cyanobiphenyl (nCB) and 4-Alkoxy-4′-cyanobiphenyl (nOCB)
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-02-07 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b12977
Yasuhisa Yamamura 1 , Rei Tsuchiya 1 , Shuhei Fujimura 1 , Mafumi Hishida 1 , Kazuya Saito 1

Phase behaviors of two homologous binary systems of 4-alkyl-4′-cyanobiphenyl (nCB, n being the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl chain) and 4-alkoxy-4′-cyanobiphenyl (nOCB) were investigated. Their phase diagrams were drawn against an averaged chain length, n*. The phase boundary curves between neamtic (N) and smectic Ad (SmAd) phases in nCB/mCB (n = 3–6; m = 8, 9) binary systems were classified into four depending on four combinations of even- and odd-numbered n and m; even/even, odd/even, even/odd, and odd/odd. The similar odd–even effect was confirmed for nOCB/mOCB (n = 5, 6; m = 8, 9) binary systems. To elucidate the odd–even effect on the phase diagrams, the SmAd structures were investigated through an analysis of n (n*) dependence of the layer spacing of the SmAd structure, dSmAd, of neat nCB (n = 8–10), neat nOCB (n = 8–10), and nCB/8CB (n = 0–7) binary mixtures. The odd–even effect, the behavior of 0CB/8CB system, and the difference between nCB and nOCB were clarified based on their SmAd structures.


氰基联苯同系元同源二元系统中向列相SmA d相界和SmA d结构的奇偶效应:4-烷基-4'-氰基联苯(n CB)和4-烷氧基-4'-氰基联苯(n OCB)

研究了4-烷基-4'-氰基联苯(n CB,n为烷基链中的碳原子数)和4-烷氧基-4'-氰基联苯(n OCB)的两个同源二元体系的相行为。根据平均链长n *绘制了它们的相图。n CB / m CB(n = 3–6; m = 8、9)二元系统中,N(N)和近晶A d(SmA d)相之间的相位边界曲线根据偶数-偶数的四种组合而分为四类。奇数nm; 偶数/偶数,奇数/偶数,偶数/奇数和奇数/奇数。对于n OCB / m OCB(n = 5、6; m = 8、9)二元系统,也证实了类似的奇偶效应。为了阐明在相图的奇-偶效应,则SMA d结构分别通过的分析调查ÑÑ *)在SMA的层间距的依赖性d结构,d SMAD,整齐的Ñ CB(Ñ = 8- 10),纯ñ OCB(ñ = 8-10),和ñ CB / 8CB(ñ= 0-7)二元混合物。根据它们的SmA d结构,阐明了奇偶效应,0CB / 8CB系统的行为以及n CB和n OCB之间的差异。