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Atomic H-Induced Mo2C Hybrid as an Active and Stable Bifunctional Electrocatalyst
ACS Nano ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-03 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b06089
Xiujun Fan 1 , Yuanyue Liu , Zhiwei Peng , Zhenhua Zhang , Haiqing Zhou , Xianming Zhang 1 , Boris I. Yakobson 1 , William A. Goddard , Xia Guo , Robert H. Hauge , James M. Tour

Mo2C nanocrystals (NCs) anchored on vertically aligned graphene nanoribbons (VA-GNR) as hybrid nanoelectrocatalysts (Mo2C–GNR) are synthesized through the direct carbonization of metallic Mo with atomic H treatment. The growth mechanism of Mo2C NCs with atomic H treatment is discussed. The Mo2C–GNR hybrid exhibits highly active and durable electrocatalytic performance for the hydrogen-evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen-reduction reaction (ORR). For HER, in an acidic solution the Mo2C–GNR has an onset potential of 39 mV and a Tafel slope of 65 mV dec–1, and in a basic solution Mo2C–GNR has an onset potential of 53 mV, and Tafel slope of 54 mV dec–1. It is stable in both acidic and basic media. Mo2C–GNR is a high-activity ORR catalyst with a high peak current density of 2.01 mA cm–2, an onset potential of 0.93 V that is more positive vs reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), a high electron transfer number n (∼3.90), and long-term stability.


原子H诱导的Mo 2 C杂化物作为活性和稳定的双功能电催化剂

Mo 2 C纳米晶体(NCs)锚定在垂直排列的石墨烯纳米带(VA-GNR)上,作为杂化纳米电催化剂(Mo 2 C–GNR),是通过金属H原子的原子化直接碳化而合成的。讨论了采用原子H处理的Mo 2 C NCs的生长机理。Mo 2 C–GNR杂化物对氢演化反应(HER)和氧还原反应(ORR)表现出高活性和持久的电催化性能。对于HER,在酸性溶液中,Mo 2 C–GNR的起始电位为39 mV,Tafel斜率为65 mV dec –1;在碱性溶液中,Mo 2 C–GNR的起始电位为53 mV,并且Tafel坡度为54 mV dec–1。在酸性和碱性介质中均稳定。Mo 2 C–GNR是一种高活性ORR催化剂,其峰值电流密度为2.01 mA cm –2,起始电势为0.93 V,与可逆氢电极(RHE)相比更正,电子转移数n( 〜3.90),并具有长期稳定性。