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The nature of the chemical bond in Be2+, Be2, Be2−, and Be3
The Journal of Chemical Physics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-01 18:01:29 , DOI: 10.1063/1.4967819
Apostolos Kalemos 1

The present study focuses on the Be2+, Be2, Be2−, and Be3 species with the aim to unveil their bonding pattern. The ground states of the above molecules are examined mainly through multi reference configuration interaction methods using an aug-cc-pVQZ basis set. Previous work is scrutinized with an eye to the instability problems inherent in various Hartree-Fock schemes. Under this point of view, we rationalize previous findings and put them in a unified context of what and why should be done in similar hard to crack cases. In all the above species, the covalently bound ground states are formed just because the Be atom is found in its first excited 3P(2s 12p 1) state.


Be2 +,Be2,Be2-和Be3中化学键的性质

本研究集中于Be2 +,Be 2,Be2-和Be 3物种,旨在揭示它们的键合模式。以上分子的基态主要通过使用aug-cc-pVQZ基集的多参考构型相互作用方法进行研究。仔细研究以前的工作,着眼于各种Hartree-Fock方案固有的不稳定性问题。根据这种观点,我们将以前的发现合理化,并将它们放在统一的上下文中,以说明在类似的难以破解的情况下应该做什么以及为什么要做。在上述所有物种中,仅由于发现Be原子处于其第一激发3 P(2 s 1 2 p 1)状态,才形成了共价键结合的基态。