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Connectional axis of individual functional variability: Patterns, structural correlates, and relevance for development and cognition
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2025-03-18 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2420228122
Hang Yang 1, 2 , Guowei Wu 1, 2, 3 , Yaoxin Li 1, 2, 4 , Xiaoyu Xu 1, 2, 5 , Jing Cong 1, 2, 5 , Haoshu Xu 1, 2, 6 , Yiyao Ma 1, 2 , Yang Li 1, 2 , Runsen Chen 7 , Adam Pines 8 , Ting Xu 9 , Valerie J Sydnor 10, 11, 12 , Theodore D Satterthwaite 11, 12 , Zaixu Cui 1, 2

The human cerebral cortex exhibits intricate interareal functional synchronization at the macroscale, with substantial individual variability in these functional connections. However, the spatial organization of functional connectivity (FC) variability across the human connectome edges and its significance in cognitive development remain unclear. Here, we identified a connectional axis in the edge-level FC variability. The variability declined continuously along this axis from within-network to between-network connections and from the edges linking association networks to those linking the sensorimotor and association networks. This connectional axis of functional variability is associated with spatial pattern of structural connectivity variability. Moreover, the connectional variability axis evolves in youth with an flatter axis slope. We also observed that the slope of the connectional variability axis was positively related to the performance in the higher-order cognition. Together, our results reveal a connectional axis in functional variability that is linked with structural connectome variability, refines during development, and is relevant to cognition.



人类大脑皮层在宏观尺度上表现出错综复杂的区域间功能同步,这些功能连接具有很大的个体差异性。然而,人类连接组边缘的功能连接 (FC) 变异性的空间组织及其在认知发展中的意义仍不清楚。在这里,我们确定了边缘级 FC 可变性中的连接轴。从网络内到网络间连接,以及从连接关联网络的边缘到连接感觉运动和关联网络的边缘,变异性沿该轴不断下降。这个功能变异性的连接轴与结构连接变异性的空间模式有关。此外,连接可变性轴在青年中以更平坦的轴斜率进化。我们还观察到,连接变异性轴的斜率与高阶认知的表现呈正相关。总之,我们的结果揭示了功能变异性的连接轴,它与结构连接组变异性有关,在发育过程中细化,并与认知相关。