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Artificial intelligence-enhanced non-destructive defect detection for civil infrastructure
Automation in Construction ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2025.105996
Yishuang Zhang, Cheuk Lun Chow, Denvid Lau

As civil engineering projects become more complex, ensuring the integrity of infrastructure is essential. Traditional inspection methods may damage structures, highlighting the need for non-destructive testing. However, conventional non-destructive methods involve challenges in assessing complex civil infrastructure due to manual operation and subjective interpretation. The integration of artificial intelligence has revolutionized non-destructive testing for civil infrastructure: it rapidly processes data, detects minor defects autonomously, and provides early warnings. This paper explores the significant advancements in artificial intelligence-enhanced non-destructive testing, particularly in radar detection, radiography, and sound-based technologies. Their synergy not only elevates the accuracy and efficiency of structural assessments but also extends the applicability of non-destructive testing techniques in order to address a broad spectrum of complex structural challenges more effectively. These advancements promise breakthroughs in automated inspections, real-time structural monitoring, and predictive maintenance, marking a significant leap forward in the field of civil infrastructure defect detection.


