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Agile digitization for historic architecture using 360° capture, deep learning, and virtual reality
Automation in Construction ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2025.105986
Farzan Baradaran Rahimi, Claude M.H. Demers, Mohammad Reza Karimi Dastjerdi, Jean-François Lalonde

The agile digitization of historic buildings is becoming increasingly critical for preservation, conservation, and maintenance in response to climate change, geopolitical conflicts, and other threats of destruction. This paper explores whether deep learning-based novel-view synthesis, combined with commercial 360° cameras and standalone virtual reality headsets, can streamline the digitization process for historic architecture. A case study of a historic interior in Québec, Canada, is used to evaluate the method's capacity to enhance agility, accuracy, and efficiency. The findings demonstrate that this approach significantly reduces complexity, labor, cost, and time while improving precision and workflow. These outcomes offer particular value to heritage experts, building engineers, and creative professionals seeking practical tools for agile digitization of historic architecture. By advancing digitization methods, this study also inspires future research into the broader applications of deep learning and immersive technologies for cultural heritage preservation.


使用 360° 捕获、深度学习和虚拟现实对历史建筑进行敏捷数字化

历史建筑的敏捷数字化对于应对气候变化、地缘政治冲突和其他破坏威胁的保存、保存和维护变得越来越重要。本文探讨了基于深度学习的小说视图合成,结合商用 360° 相机和独立的虚拟现实耳机,是否可以简化历史建筑的数字化过程。以加拿大魁北克省的历史内部为例,评估该方法提高敏捷性、准确性和效率的能力。研究结果表明,这种方法显著降低了复杂性、劳动力、成本和时间,同时提高了精度和工作流程。这些成果为寻求实用工具以实现历史建筑敏捷数字化的遗产专家、建筑工程师和创意专业人士提供了特别的价值。通过推进数字化方法,这项研究还激发了对深度学习和沉浸式技术在文化遗产保护中的更广泛应用的未来研究。