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Evaluating analytical approaches for smarter decision-making in faecal contamination monitoring and assessment
Water Research ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2025.123207
Yussi M. Palacios Delgado, Maghfira Saifuddaolah, Rebekah Henry, Kerrie Burge, David Thomas McCarthy, S. Fiona Barker, Christelle Schang, Vinaina Waqa, Brandon Winfrey, Karin Leder

Quantification of faecal indicator organism (FIO) is essential for surveillance monitoring, performance compliance and public health interventions. IDEXX's automated FIO detection technique, TECTATM, and IDEXX Colilert offer greater efficiency than traditional methods but have not been critically compared across diverse levels of faecal contamination or evaluated against key practical requirements and cost factors. This study compared the use of IDEXX Colilert and TECTA™ for measuring indicative contamination in 785 samples from drinking water, wells, surface water, greywater and a constructed wetland system, collected from Fijian and Indonesian informal settlements. Both methods ranked sample types in the same order in terms of indicative faecal contamination, and at Escherichia coli (E. coli) concentrations between <1–105 CFU or MPN/100 mL (municipal, shallow and deep well samples), both methods were highly correlated. However, at 102–109 CFU/100 mL (TECTA™) or 102–106 MPN/100 mL (IDEXX Colilert) E. coli (surface water samples), a moderate positive correlation was observed (R = 0.56, p = 2.2−13), and a high proportion of samples exceeded the detection limit of the IDEXX Colilert method. Greywater and septic tank samples exhibited total coliform mean values greater than 106 CFU/100 mL, with no correlation between IDEXX Colilert and TECTA™ results. TECTA™ required only one dilution for returning specific E. coli values, ideal for performance compliance and faecal contamination assessments, while IDEXX Colilert often needed two levels of dilution. For surveillance purposes, IDEXX Colilert may be more cost-effective given the higher initial setup costs of TECTA™; however, TECTA™’s faster turnaround times and automated results may offset expenses. This study presents a versatile decision analysis that enables laboratories worldwide to customise method comparisons based on their unique requirements, driving more effective implementation and global standardisation of these methods.



粪便指示微生物 (FIO) 的量化对于监测监测、性能合规性和公共卫生干预措施至关重要。IDEXX 的自动化 FIO 检测技术 TECTATM 和 IDEXX Colilert 的效率高于传统方法,但尚未针对不同程度的粪便污染进行严格比较,也未根据关键的实际要求和成本因素进行评估。这项研究比较了 IDEXX Colilert 和 TECTA™ 在测量来自斐济和印度尼西亚非正式住区的饮用水、井、地表水、灰水和人工湿地系统的 785 个样品中的指示性污染的使用情况。两种方法在指示性粪便污染方面按相同顺序对样品类型进行排名,并且在大肠杆菌(大肠杆菌)浓度在 <1–105 CFU 或 MPN/100 mL 之间(城市、浅井和深井样品)时,两种方法都高度相关。然而,在 102–109 CFU/100 mL (TECTA™) 或 102–106 MPN/100 mL (IDEXX Colilert) 大肠杆菌(地表水样品)时,观察到中度正相关 (R = 0.56,p = 2.2−13),并且高比例样品超过了 IDEXX Colilert 方法的检测限。灰水和化粪池样品的总大肠菌群平均值大于 106 CFU/100 mL,IDEXX Colilert 和 TECTA™ 结果之间没有相关性。TECTA™ 只需一次稀释即可返回特定的大肠杆菌值,非常适合性能合规性和粪便污染评估,而 IDEXX Colilert 通常需要两个稀释水平。出于监测目的,鉴于 TECTA™ 的初始构建成本较高,IDEXX Colilert 可能更具成本效益;但是,TECTA™ 更快的周转时间和自动化结果可能会抵消费用。 本研究提出了一种多功能的决策分析,使世界各地的实验室能够根据其独特要求定制方法比较,从而推动这些方法的更有效实施和全球标准化。