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Determination of the rotational isomerization rate along carbon–carbon single bonds in solution
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-28 , DOI: 10.1039/d4cp04471a
Seongchul Park, Hojeong Yoon, Juhyang Shin, Manho Lim

The temperature- and viscosity-dependent rotational isomerization time constant (τrot) along the C–C˙ bond of CF2BrCF2 radical in solution was measured using femtosecond infrared spectroscopy after photodissociating the I atom from CF2BrCF2I. Three density functional theory (DFT) functionals, ωB97XD, APFD, and B3LYP were used with the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set to calculate the required parameters in calculating τrot using Kramers’ theory of reaction rates. The measured τrot was consistent with the value calculated using the vibrational frequencies and rotational barriers of the related compounds calculated by DFT method with ωB97XD/aug-cc-pVTZ. Kramers’ theory calculation of τrot was further verified by an experimental measurement for CF3CF2CF2˙ in CCl4 at 293 K. The τrot along the C–C(˙) bond of ethyl radical and ethane derivatives in solution can be reliably estimated by Kramers’ theory combined with DFT calculations using the ωB97XD functional and aug-cc-pVTZ basis set.



在 I 原子与 CF 2 BrCF 2 进行光解离后,使用飞秒红外光谱法测量了 I 原子与 CF2BrCF 2 自由基在溶液中沿 C-C ̇ 键的温度和粘度依赖性旋转异构化时间常数 (τrot)I. 三种密度泛函理论 (DFT) 泛函,ωB97XD、APFD 和 B3LYP 与 aug-cc-pVTZ 基集一起使用,以计算使用 Kramers 反应速率理论计算 τrot 所需的参数。测得的 τ腐烂与使用 ωB97XD/aug-cc-pVTZ 的 DFT 方法计算的相关化合物的振动频率和旋转势垒计算的值一致。Kramers 对 τ腐烂的理论计算通过在 293 K 下 CCl4 中 CF3CF 2、CF2 ̇ 的实验测量得到进一步验证。乙基自由基和乙烷衍生物在溶液中沿 C-C( ̇) 键的 τ腐烂可以通过 Kramers 理论结合 ωB97XD 泛函和 aug-cc-pVTZ 基集的 DFT 计算来可靠地估计。