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Tunnel intersection mechanics: Closed-form pseudo-3D approximations for deformation modeling and shear-failure prediction
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tust.2025.106394
Andreas Michael

Deformation modeling of underground tunnel intersections attempts to provide answers on the occurrence of localized structural instabilities under different, and possibly dynamically-changing, in-situ conditions. Design decisions hinge on these findings; since much of the stresses underground are compressive, shear-failure predictions provide outlines for maintaining structural stability on the intersections of underground tunnel excavations in anisotropic rock masses, such as those made using tunnel-boring machines (TBMs).


隧道交汇力学:用于变形建模和剪切破坏预测的闭式伪 3D 近似

地下隧道交叉口的变形建模试图为在不同且可能动态变化的原位条件下发生的局部结构不稳定性提供答案。设计决策取决于这些发现;由于地下的大部分应力是压缩的,因此剪切破坏预测为保持各向异性岩体中地下隧道开挖交叉口的结构稳定性提供了轮廓,例如使用隧道掘进机 (TBM) 进行的隧道掘进。