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Making waves: Report your quality assurance and control (QA/QC) information when publishing analytical data
Water Research ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2025.123167
Gretchen L. Lescord, Adam T. Lepage

Quantitative analytical chemistry is an important tool for the aquatic sciences, turning environmental samples into meaningful data that support waterbody management and novel research. However, proper use of analytical data must include full and transparent reporting of quality assurance and control (QA/QC) information, something we have noted as consistently lacking in recent literature. Herein, we briefly discuss QA/QC theory and approaches, with the goal of informing interdisciplinary researchers who may not have received formal training in analytical labs. The core of this perspective is eight recommendations for effective QA/QC reporting in scientific products, including discussions on how and where to construct a transparent and concise QA/QC summary. We also discuss how to report detection limits and sample sizes - two commonly excluded parts of QA/QC reporting in our experiences. We end with a discussion of recent positive examples of effective QA/QC reporting in water science, as well as five points around the importance of QA/QC information for the broader aquatic science community (i.e., students, supervisors/mentors, data managers, and journal editors). Collectively, improved QA/QC reporting will extend the reach, usefulness, and longevity of our scientific data and research, enhancing the fundamental purpose of scientific publishing.


掀起波澜:在发布分析数据时报告您的质量保证和控制 (QA/QC) 信息

定量分析化学是水生科学的重要工具,可将环境样本转化为有意义的数据,以支持水体管理和新颖的研究。然而,正确使用分析数据必须包括完整和透明的质量保证和控制 (QA/QC) 信息报告,我们注意到这在最近的文献中一直缺乏。在本文中,我们简要讨论了 QA/QC 理论和方法,目的是为可能没有在分析实验室接受过正式培训的跨学科研究人员提供信息。这一观点的核心是在科学产品中有效进行 QA/QC 报告的八项建议,包括关于如何以及在何处构建透明和简洁的 QA/QC 摘要的讨论。我们还讨论了如何报告检测限和样本量——根据我们的经验,QA/QC 报告中经常被排除的两个部分。最后,我们讨论了水科学中最近有效 QA/QC 报告的积极例子,并围绕 QA/QC 信息对更广泛的水生科学界(即学生、导师/导师、数据经理和期刊编辑)的重要性提出了五个要点。总的来说,改进的 QA/QC 报告将扩大我们科学数据和研究的范围、有用性和持久性,从而增强科学出版的基本目的。