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Modulating eg Occupancy by A‐Site Vacancy to Boost Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction on Perovskite Oxides
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-16 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202423288
Yibo Gao 1 , Miaomiao Zhang 1 , Zutao Fan 2 , Yang Jin 1 , Zhanlong Song 1 , Wenlong Wang 1 , Xiqiang Zhao 1 , Yanpeng Mao 1

For photocatalytic CO2 reduction, traditional ABO3 perovskite oxides have suffered from the natural surface covered by the passivated AO layer, resulting in low photocatalytic activity. Herein, the double perovskite Sr2TiFeO6 is used as a precursor and citric acid is employed to selectively dissolve the A‐site cation, obtaining Srv‐Sr2TiFeO6 with abundant A‐site vacancies. Without using any co‐catalysts or sacrificial agents, the Srv‐Sr2TiFeO6 achieves efficient photoreduction of CO2 to CH4 with 91% selectivity and 43.17 µmol g−1 h−1 yield, which is almost five times that of the original Sr2TiFeO6. The results indicate that selectively removing A‐site can increase the concentration of oxygen vacancies and significantly reduce the exciton binding energy from 0.61 to 0.32 eV, thereby enhancing the charge transfer efficiency. Furthermore, the A‐site vacancies can adjust the surface electronic structure, leading to a decrease of eg electrons occupancy on the active B‐site. This results in a shift of the reaction intermediates from strong adsorption to moderate adsorption. Specifically, the energy barrier of the water oxidation reaction, the rate‐determining step for the overall CO2 reduction, is greatly reduced. This work provides a vivid case for modulating the electronic structure of perovskite oxide through introducing A‐site defects for efficient photoreduction of CO2.


通过 A 位空位调节 eg 占用率以促进钙钛矿氧化物上的光催化 CO2 还原

对于光催化 CO2 还原,传统的 ABO3 钙钛矿氧化物受到钝化 AO 层覆盖的自然表面的影响,导致光催化活性低。本文以双钙钛矿 Sr2TiFeO6 为前驱体,柠檬酸选择性溶解 A 位阳离子,获得具有丰富 A 位空位的 Srv-Sr2TiFeO6。在不使用任何助催化剂或牺牲剂的情况下,Srv-Sr2TiFeO6 以 91% 的选择性和 43.17 μmol g-1 h-1 的产率实现了将 CO2 高效光还原为 CH4,几乎是原始 Sr2TiFeO6 的五倍。结果表明,选择性去除 A 位可以增加氧空位的浓度,并将激子结合能从 0.61 eV 显著降低到 0.32 eV,从而提高电荷转移效率。此外,A 位空位可以调整表面电子结构,导致活性 B 位点上 eg 电子的占用率降低。这导致反应中间体从强吸附转变为中度吸附。具体来说,水氧化反应的能垒(总体 CO2 减排的速率决定步骤)大大降低。这项工作为通过引入 A 位缺陷来调节钙钛矿氧化物的电子结构以实现 CO2 的高效光还原提供了一个生动的案例。