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Multiple stimuli dual-optical mode responsive hybrid copper(I) halides for advanced anti-counterfeiting and information encryption
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-08 , DOI: 10.1039/d4qi03036b
Yue Guo, Yi-Fan Fu, JiaJing Wu, Jing-Li Qi, Yu-Mei Zhang, Qiao-Feng Huang, Wenlong Liu, Sheng-Ping Guo

Hybrid Cu(I)-based halides possess significant potential in optical anti-counterfeiting due to their diverse crystal structures and unique optical properties. Nevertheless, the synthesis of multi-optical mode responsive hybrid Cu-based halides remains a formidable challenge for achieving high-security optical encryption. Herein, two hybrid Cu-based halides featuring distinct [Cu2I4]2− and [Cu4I6]2− inorganic units, namely (MePPh3)2Cu2I4·DMF and (MePPh3)2Cu4I6 (MePPh3+ = C19H18P+), are obtained through solvent volatilization. The colorless (MePPh3)2Cu2I4·DMF crystals exhibit cyan emission upon UV light irradiation, whereas the yellow (MePPh3)2Cu4I6 crystals emit vivid yellow photoluminescence under either UV or blue light. Furthermore, the structural transformation from (MePPh3)2Cu2I4·DMF to (MePPh3)2Cu4I6 can be triggered by ethanol, inducing changes in both the visual crystal color and luminescence color, thus showcasing a dual-optical mode response. Benefiting from these unusual properties, optical anti-counterfeiting and information encryption systems are constructed based on these hybrid metal halides. This work not only enriches the stimulus-responsive hybrid halide family, but also provides a novel platform for multifaceted applications in advanced anti-counterfeiting and information encryption.


多刺激双光模式响应式混合卤化铜 (I) 用于高级防伪和信息加密

由于其多样化的晶体结构和独特的光学特性,杂化 Cu() 基卤化物在光学防伪方面具有巨大潜力。然而,多光模式响应式混合 Cu 基卤化物的合成仍然是实现高安全性光加密的巨大挑战。本文中,两种杂化铜基卤化物具有不同的 [Cu2I4]2− 和 [Cu4I6]2− 无机单元,即 (MePPh32Cu2I4·DMF 和 (MePPh32Cu4I6 (MePPh3+ = C19H18P+) 是通过溶剂挥发获得的。无色 (MePPh32Cu2I4·DMF 晶体在紫外光照射下呈青色发射,而黄色 (MePPh32Cu4I6 晶体在紫外光或蓝光下发出鲜艳的黄色光致发光。 此外,(MePPh32Cu2I4·DMF 到 (MePPh32Cu4I6 可由乙醇触发,引起可见晶体颜色和发光颜色的变化,从而表现出双光模式响应。受益于这些不寻常的特性,基于这些混合金属卤化物构建了光学防伪和信息加密系统。这项工作不仅丰富了刺激响应的杂交卤化物家族,而且为高级防伪和信息加密的多方面应用提供了一个新的平台。