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Assessment of microplastic release from facial and body scrubs in aquatic ecosystems
Applied Water Science ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s13201-024-02350-9
Afsaneh Esmaeili Nasrabadi, Fatemeh Kabirinia, Ziaeddin Bonyadi

This study investigated the presence and characteristics of MPs in commonly used face and body scrubs. Six commercially available scrub brands were analyzed using various techniques, including SEM, FTIR, EDX, and DLS. The scrubs examined in this study were meticulously selected from markets in Mashhad. These cosmetic products were treated with H₂O₂ and agitated for 15 min. Finally, the shape, color, and total number of MPs were analyzed using microscopy. The findings revealed that the concentration of MPs detected per gram of scrub across the different brands was 298.66 ± 60 particles. The MPs identified in all brands were predominantly composed of PE. The results indicated a significant correlation between the number of MPs and the brand used (P value < 0.05). The findings indicated that MPs were primarily composed of carbon (84.42%) and oxygen (13.73%). These materials displayed numerous grooves and a considerable degree of surface irregularity. Furthermore, the zeta potential of the MPs in all samples was measured at − 36 mV. According to the results, 50% of the MPs were colorless, 36% were white, and 14% had a shiny appearance (P value < 0.05). Additionally, the forms of the MPs were observed in the following order of prevalence: irregular (38%), filamentous (31%), sharp (15%), fragmentary (8%), and spherical (8%) (P value < 0.05). The sizes of the MPs ranged from 0.147 to 2.133 mm (P value < 0.05). The MPLI analysis indicated that approximately half of the scrubs exhibited significant contamination. The study also estimated the potential release of MPs into the environment via wastewater treatment plants, underscoring the substantial contribution of cosmetics to MP pollution.



本研究调查了常用面部和身体磨砂膏中 MP 的存在和特征。使用各种技术分析了六个市售的磨砂膏品牌,包括 SEM、FTIR、EDX 和 DLS。本研究中检查的磨砂膏是从马什哈德的市场精心挑选的。这些化妆品用 H₂O₂ 处理并搅拌 15 分钟。最后,使用显微镜分析 MP 的形状、颜色和总数。研究结果显示,不同品牌的每克磨砂膏检测到的 MP 浓度为 298.66 ± 60 个颗粒。在所有品牌中确定的 MP 主要由 PE 组成。结果表明,MP 的数量与使用的品牌之间存在显著相关性 (P 值 < 0.05)。结果表明,MP 主要由碳 (84.42%) 和氧 (13.73%) 组成。这些材料显示出许多凹槽和相当程度的表面不规则性。此外,所有样品中 MPs 的 zeta 电位均在 − 36 mV 处测量。结果显示,50% 的 MPS 为无色,36% 为白色,14% 为有光泽的外观 (P 值 < 0.05)。此外,按以行顺序观察到 MP 的形式:不规则 (38%)、丝状 (31%)、尖锐 (15%)、碎片状 (8%) 和球形 (8%) (P 值 < 0.05)。MP 的大小范围为 0.147 至 2.133 毫米 (P 值 < 0.05)。MPLI 分析表明,大约一半的磨砂浆表现出严重污染。该研究还估计了 MP 可能通过废水处理厂释放到环境中,强调了化妆品对 MP 污染的重大贡献。
