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The SARS-CoV-2 test scale-up in the USA: an analysis of the number of tests produced and used over time and their modelled impact on the COVID-19 pandemic
The Lancet Public Health ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-02 , DOI: 10.1016/s2468-2667(24)00279-2
Steven Santos PhD, Matthew Humbard PhD, Anastasia S Lambrou PhD, Gary Lin PhD, Yamil Padilla BSc, Jasmine Chaitram MPH, Muktha S Natrajan PhD, Hannah L Kirking MD, Sean Courtney PhD, Kim Del Guercio MPH, Seth Roberts MD, Fraser Gaspar PhD, Michael F Iademarco MD, Joseph Hamel MS, Reynolds M Salerno PhD

Rapid, accessible, and accurate testing was paramount to an effective US COVID-19 response. Federal partners supported SARS-CoV-2 testing scale-up through an interagency-coordinated approach that focused on expanding supply chains, research and development, validation, and improving patient access. We aimed to provide an overview of the federal efforts to scale up the testing response and study the impact of scale-up.


美国 SARS-CoV-2 检测的规模扩大:分析随时间生产和使用的检测数量及其对 COVID-19 大流行的建模影响

快速、可访问和准确的检测对于有效的美国 COVID-19 应对措施至关重要。联邦合作伙伴通过机构间协调的方法支持扩大 SARS-CoV-2 检测的规模,该方法侧重于扩大供应链、研发、验证和改善患者可及性。我们旨在概述联邦政府为扩大检测响应所做的努力,并研究扩大规模的影响。