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Multi-factor aging in Lithium Iron phosphate batteries: Mechanisms and insights
Applied Energy ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2025-01-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.125250
Rui Xiong , Peng Wang , Yanbo Jia , Weixiang Shen , Fengchun Sun

Lithium-ion batteries are extensively employed in transportation and the integration of renewable energy sources. However, the aging process significantly impacts their performance, and the mechanisms behind this aging during operation are not completely understood. This study involved designing a 5-factor, 3-level orthogonal experiment with commercial lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries to assess the factors associated with aging and to clarify the aging mechanisms. The factors examined included environmental temperature (T), charging current (Ichg), discharging current (Idis), charging voltage limit (Vchg), and discharging voltage limit (Vdis). The findings indicated that the factors affecting the degradation of battery performance, ranked from most to least influential, are T, Vchg, Ichg, Idis, and Vdis. We quantitatively analyzed the degradation mechanisms using a new half-cell model at a temperature of 25 °C. This model significantly improved accuracy, achieving a 28.1 % reduction in root mean square error and substantial decreases in relative errors of 92.5 %, 61.5 %, and 98.9 % at critical points that outline the voltage curve. The analysis revealed that the degradation of active materials in the negative and positive electrodes accelerates with higher charging current and charging voltage limit, respectively. These insights can provide useful guidance for accelerated aging research and effective lifespan management of LFP batteries.



锂离子电池广泛用于运输和可再生能源的集成。然而,老化过程会显着影响它们的性能,并且运行过程中这种老化背后的机制尚不完全清楚。本研究涉及使用商用磷酸铁锂 (LFP) 电池设计一个 5 因子、3 水平正交实验,以评估与老化相关的因素并阐明老化机制。检查的因素包括环境温度 (T)、充电电流 (Ichg)、放电电流 (Idis)、充电电压限制 (Vchg) 和放电电压限制 (Vdis)。结果表明,影响电池性能退化的因素从最重要到影响最小依次为 T、Vchg、Ichg、Idis 和 Vdis。我们在 25 °C 的温度下使用新的半电池模型定量分析了降解机制。 该模型显著提高了准确性,在勾勒电压曲线的关键点上,均方根误差降低了 28.1%,相对误差大幅降低了 92.5 %、61.5 % 和 98.9 %。分析表明,负极和正极中活性材料的降解分别随着充电电流和充电电压限制的增加而加速。这些见解可以为 LFP 电池的加速老化研究和有效的寿命管理提供有用的指导。