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International Political Sociology through the Colonial Mirror: A Contrapuntal Reading of the Spanish Civil War
International Political Sociology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-12 , DOI: 10.1093/ips/olae009
Alejandro Colás

This paper invokes Edward Said’s notion of counterpoint to present a transnational sociological account of the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939. This contrapuntal reading raises questions of sovereignty, violence, and identity, which—filtered through a political sociological lens—offer novel perspectives on the power of empire and colonialism in relation to these key IR categories. Specifically, I argue that the Spanish colonial frontier in Morocco served as a laboratory for distinctive expressions of transnational state-building, violence, and identity-formation, which were reproduced in the metropolitan heartlands of the Iberian Peninsula during the interwar years. The complex interaction between core and periphery in this period had momentous implications for both Spanish and Moroccan history, many of which continue to play out in contemporary politics across the Gibraltar Strait.



本文援引爱德华·赛义德 (Edward Said) 的对位概念,对 1936-1939 年西班牙内战进行了跨国社会学描述。这种对位解读提出了主权、暴力和身份问题,这些问题通过政治社会学的镜头过滤,为帝国和殖民主义与这些关键 IR 类别相关的权力提供了新的视角。具体来说,我认为西班牙在摩洛哥的殖民边境是跨国国家建设、暴力和身份形成的独特表现的实验室,这些在两次世界大战期间在伊比利亚半岛的大都市中心得到了复制。这一时期核心和边缘之间的复杂互动对西班牙和摩洛哥的历史都产生了重大影响,其中许多影响继续在直布罗陀海峡对岸的当代政治中上演。