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A Systematic Review of Multimodal Analgesic Effectiveness on Acute Postoperative Pain After Adult Cardiac Surgery
Journal of Advanced Nursing ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 , DOI: 10.1111/jan.16688
Rochelle Wynne, Rebecca Miriam Jedwab, Kari Hanne Gjeilo, Suzanne Fredericks, Rosalie Magboo, Emily K. Phillips, Mohammad Goudarzi Rad, Sheila O'Keefe-Mccarthy, Lisa Keeping-Burke, Jo Murfin, Tieghan Killackey, Jill Bruneau, Stacey Matthews, Tracey Bowden, Julie Sanders, Irene Lie

To synthesise the best available empirical evidence about the effectiveness of multimodal analgesics on pain after adult cardiac surgery.