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Skeletal Stem Cells: A Basis for Orthopaedic Pathology and Tissue Repair.
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.24.00905
Ting Cong,Kyle W Morse,Branden R Sosa,Joseph M Lane,Scott A Rodeo,Matthew B Greenblatt

➢ Skeletal stem cells (SSCs) continually replenish mature cell populations to support skeletal homeostasis.➢ SSCs repopulate by self-renewal, have multilineage potential, and are long-lived in vivo.➢ SSCs express specific combinations of cell surface markers that reflect their lineage identity.➢ SSCs adapt to their anatomic environment to support regional differences in skeletal behavior and pathology.