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Boosting Anionic Redox Reactions of Li-Rich Cathodes through Lattice Oxygen and Li-Ion Kinetics Modulation in Working All-Solid-State Batteries
Advanced Materials ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.202414195
Shuo Sun, Chen-Zi Zhao, Gao-Yao Liu, Shu-Cheng Wang, Zhong-Heng Fu, Wei-Jin Kong, Jin-Liang Li, Xiang Chen, Xiangyu Zhao, Qiang Zhang

The use of lithium-rich manganese-based oxides (LRMOs) as the cathode in all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) holds great potential for realizing high energy density over 600 Wh kg−1. However, their implementation is significantly hindered by the sluggish kinetics and inferior reversibility of anionic redox reactions of oxygen in ASSBs. In this contribution, boron ions (B3+) doping and 3D Li2B4O7 (LBO) ionic networks construction are synchronously introduced into LRMO materials (LBO-LRMO) by mechanochemical and subsequent thermally driven diffusion method. Owing to the high binding energy of B─O and high-efficiency ionic networks of nanoscale LBO complex in cathode materials, the as-prepared LBO-LRMO displays highly reversible and activated anionic redox reactions in ASSBs. The designed LBO-LRMO interwoven structure enables robust phase and LBO-LRMO|solid electrolyte interface stability during cycling (over 80% capacity retention after 2000 cycles at 1.0 C with a voltage range of 2.2–4.7 V vs Li/Li+). This contribution affords a fundamental understanding of the anionic redox reactions for LRMO in ASSBs and offers an effective strategy to realize highly activated and reversible oxygen redox reactions in LRMO-based ASSBs.



在全固态电池 (ASSB) 中使用富锂锰基氧化物 (LRMO) 作为阴极,具有实现超过 600 Wh kg-1 的高能量密度的巨大潜力。然而,ASSBs 中氧的阴离子氧化还原反应的动力学缓慢和可逆性较差,严重阻碍了它们的实施。在这个贡献中,硼离子 (B3+) 掺杂和 3D Li2B4O7 (LBO) 离子网络构建通过机械化学和随后的热驱动扩散方法同步引入 LRMO 材料 (LBO-LRMO) 中。由于 B─O 的高结合能和纳米级 LBO 复合物在正极材料中的高效离子网络,所制备的 LBO-LRMO 在 ASSBs 中表现出高度可逆和活化的阴离子氧化还原反应。设计的 LBO-LRMO 交织结构可在循环过程中实现稳健的相和 LBO-LRMO|固体电解质界面稳定性(在 1.0 C 下循环 2000 次后,电压范围为 2.2–4.7 V vs Li/Li+,容量保持率超过 80%)。这一贡献为了解 ASSB 中 LRMO 的阴离子氧化还原反应提供了基本信息,并为在基于 LRMO 的 ASSB 中实现高度活化和可逆的氧氧化还原反应提供了一种有效的策略。