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Do-Nothing Prebiotic Chemistry: Chemical Kinetics as a Window into Prebiotic Plausibility
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.4c00247
Skyla B. White, Paul B. Rimmer

Origin of Life research is a fast growing field of study with each year bringing new breakthroughs. Recent discoveries include novel syntheses of life’s building blocks, mechanisms of activation and interaction between molecules, and newly identified environments that provide promising conditions for these syntheses and mechanisms. Even with these new findings, firmly grounded in rigorous laboratory experiments, researchers often find themselves uncertain about how to apply them. How can a bridge be built between the laboratory and the geochemical environment? A critical question to ask when seeking to apply new results in origins is: how can this chemistry occur without direct intervention from a chemist? We believe the first step toward answering this question lies in the determination of rate constants and the construction of chemical networks to describe prebiotic chemistry in geochemical environments.


