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Medium entropy-derived flower-like FeCeCu nanozyme with excellent oxidase-like activity for on-site and visual detection of carbosulfan
Analytica Chimica Acta ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2024.343566
Wanning Li, Taimei Cai, Jianwen Tian, Yaru Dong, Fuqiang Hu, Hailong Peng

Carbosulfan residues in environment is very harmful to human health. The rapid and high sensitive detection of carbosulfan residues is particularly important to guarantee human health and safety. The conventional chromatographic techniques and enzyme inhibition strategies cannot realize on-site and visual detection of carbosulfan. It is clear that a novel nanozyme-based method was need, which exhibited advantages in low-cost, rapidity, and portability with easy-to-use operation.


中等熵衍生的花状 FeCeCu 纳米酶,具有优异的氧化酶样活性,用于碳硫丹的现场和目视检测
