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Is Semiconducting Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Suitable for Spin Pumping?
Nano Letters ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-17 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c03469
Bin Lu, Yue Niu, Qian Chen, Ping Kwan Johnny Wong, Qingjie Guo, Wei Jiang, Ashutosh Rath, Stephen J. Pennycook, Lei Wang, Ke Xia, Ya Zhai, Andrew Thye Shen Wee, Wen Zhang

Spin pumping has been reported on interfaces formed with ferromagnetic metals and layered transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), as signified by enhanced Gilbert damping parameters extracted from magnetodynamics measurements. However, whether the observed damping enhancement purely arises from the pumping effect has remained debatable, given that possible extrinsic disturbances on the interfaces cannot be excluded in most of the experiments. Here, we explore an atomically clean interface formed with CoFeB and atomically thin MoSe2, achieved by an all in situ growth strategy based on molecular beam epitaxy. Taking advantage of ferromagnetic resonance analysis, we find that the Gilbert damping of the CoFeB/MoSe2 interface closely resembles that of CoFeB/SiO2, suggesting the absence of spin pumping. With similar findings demonstrated on a few more representative interfaces, this work clarifies the unsuitability of semiconducting TMDs for spin pumping and suggests that the observed damping enhancement in the previous reports may be predominantly attributed to extrinsic contributions during the experimental process.



据报道,在由铁磁金属和层状过渡金属二硫化物 (TMD) 形成的界面上存在自旋泵浦,从磁动力学测量中提取的增强吉尔伯特阻尼参数表明了这一点。然而,观察到的阻尼增强是否纯粹由泵浦效应引起仍然存在争议,因为在大多数实验中不能排除界面上可能的外在干扰。在这里,我们探索了由 CoFeB 和原子薄的 MoSe2 形成的原子清洁界面,这是通过基于分子束外延的全原位生长策略实现的。利用铁磁共振分析,我们发现 CoFeB/MoSe2 界面的吉尔伯特阻尼与 CoFeB/SiO2 的阻尼非常相似,表明没有自旋泵浦。通过在几个更具代表性的界面上证明类似的发现,这项工作澄清了半导体 TMD 不适用于自旋泵浦,并表明在以前的报告中观察到的阻尼增强可能主要归因于实验过程中的外在贡献。