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Front Cover: Strategy for C−H Functionalization of Cubanes: From Stoichiometric Reaction to Catalytic Methodology (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 46/2024)
European Journal of Organic Chemistry ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202484601
Masaki Hosaka, Shota Nagasawa, Yoshiharu Iwabuchi

The Front Cover illustrates two main methodologies of the C−H functionalization of cubanes: directed ortho-metalation (left) and radical functionalization (right). The design is inspired by “Chinchirorin”, a traditional Japanese dice game. In the picture, the dice (the cubanes) are rolled into a pot (a reaction flask). This illustration shows that hand throwing (a metaphor for a catalytic methodology) the cubane into a reaction pot enables precise C−H functionalization of cubane. More information can be found in the Concept by M. Hosaka, S. Nagasawa and Y. Iwabuchi (DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202401055).


封面:古巴化合物 C-H 官能化策略:从化学计量反应到催化方法 (Eur. J. Org. Chem. 46/2024)

封面说明了立方烷 C-H 官能团化的两种主要方法:定向正交金属化(左)和自由基官能团化(右)。该设计的灵感来自日本传统的骰子游戏“Chinchirorin”。在图片中,骰子(立方体)被卷入一个罐子(反应瓶)中。该插图表明,将立方烷手动扔进(催化方法的隐喻)到反应罐中可以实现立方烷的精确 C-H 官能化。更多信息可以在 M. Hosaka、S. Nagasawa 和 Y. Iwabuchi 的概念中找到 (DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.202401055)。