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[C ii] Properties and Far-infrared Variability of a z = 7 Blazar
The Astrophysical Journal Letters ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad823b Eduardo Bañados, Yana Khusanova, Roberto Decarli, Emmanuel Momjian, Fabian Walter, Thomas Connor, Christopher L. Carilli, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Sofía Rojas-Ruiz, Bram P. Venemans
The Astrophysical Journal Letters ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ad823b Eduardo Bañados, Yana Khusanova, Roberto Decarli, Emmanuel Momjian, Fabian Walter, Thomas Connor, Christopher L. Carilli, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Sofía Rojas-Ruiz, Bram P. Venemans
We present millimeter observations of the host galaxy of the most distant blazar known, VLASS J041009.05−013919.88 (hereafter J0410–0139) at z = 7, using Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) observations. The ALMA data reveal a (2.02 ± 0.36) × 1042 erg s−1 [C ii ] 158 μ m emission line at z = 6.9964 with a [C ii ]-inferred star formation rate (SFR) of 58 ± 9 M
⊙ yr−1. We estimate a dynamical mass of M
dyn,[C ii ] = (4.6 ± 2.0) × 109
⊙, implying a black hole mass to host a dynamical mass ratio of
0.15 − 0.05 + 0.08
. The 238 GHz continuum (rest-frame IR) decreased by ∼33% from the NOEMA to the ALMA observations taken ∼10 months apart. The Very Large Array 3–10 GHz radio flux densities showed a ∼37% decrease in a similar time frame, suggesting a causal connection. At face value, J0410–0139 would have the lowest [C ii ]-to-IR luminosity ratio of a z > 5.7 quasar reported to date (∼10−4). However, if only <20% of the measured IR luminosity was due to thermal emission from dust, the [C ii ]-to-IR luminosity ratio would be typical of (U)LIRGs, and the SFRs derived from [C ii ] and IR luminosities would be consistent. These results provide further evidence that synchrotron emission significantly contributes to the observed rest-frame IR emission of J0410–0139, similar to what has been reported in some radio-loud active galactic nuclei at z < 1.
[C ii]z = 7 Blazar 的性质和远红外可变性
我们展示了使用阿塔卡马大型毫米/亚毫米阵列 (ALMA) 和 NOrthern 扩展毫米阵列 (NOEMA) 观测,对已知最遥远的布拉扎星系的宿主星系 VLASS J041009.05-013919.88(以下简称 J0410-0139)在 z = 7 处的毫米观测。ALMA 数据显示,在 z = 6.9964 处有一条 (2.02 ± 0.36) × 1042 erg s−1 [C ii] 158 μm 发射线,[C ii] 推断的恒星形成速率 (SFR) 为 58 ± 9 M⊙ yr−1。我们估计 M dyn 的动力学质量,[C ii] = (4.6 ± 2.0) × 109M⊙,这意味着黑洞质量承载的动力学质量比为 0.15−0.05+0.08。从 NOEMA 到 ALMA 观测间隔 ∼10 个月,238 GHz 连续谱(静止帧 IR)下降了 ∼33%。甚大阵列 3-10 GHz 无线电通量密度在类似的时间范围内显示出 ∼37% 的下降,这表明存在因果关系。从表面上看,J0410-0139 将具有迄今为止报道的 z > 5.7 类星体的最低 [C ii] 与 IR 光度比 (∼10-4)。然而,如果测得的红外光度中只有 <20% 是由于尘埃的热发射造成的,则 [C ii] 与 IR 光度之比将是 (U)LIRG 的典型值,并且从 [C ii] 和红外光度得出的 SFR 将是一致的。这些结果提供了进一步的证据,即同步辐射对观察到的 J0410-0139 的静止帧红外发射有显著贡献,类似于在 z < 1 处一些射电响亮的活跃星系核中报道的情况。

[C ii]z = 7 Blazar 的性质和远红外可变性
我们展示了使用阿塔卡马大型毫米/亚毫米阵列 (ALMA) 和 NOrthern 扩展毫米阵列 (NOEMA) 观测,对已知最遥远的布拉扎星系的宿主星系 VLASS J041009.05-013919.88(以下简称 J0410-0139)在 z = 7 处的毫米观测。ALMA 数据显示,在 z = 6.9964 处有一条 (2.02 ± 0.36) × 1042 erg s−1 [C ii] 158 μm 发射线,[C ii] 推断的恒星形成速率 (SFR) 为 58 ± 9 M⊙ yr−1。我们估计 M dyn 的动力学质量,[C ii] = (4.6 ± 2.0) × 109M⊙,这意味着黑洞质量承载的动力学质量比为 0.15−0.05+0.08。从 NOEMA 到 ALMA 观测间隔 ∼10 个月,238 GHz 连续谱(静止帧 IR)下降了 ∼33%。甚大阵列 3-10 GHz 无线电通量密度在类似的时间范围内显示出 ∼37% 的下降,这表明存在因果关系。从表面上看,J0410-0139 将具有迄今为止报道的 z > 5.7 类星体的最低 [C ii] 与 IR 光度比 (∼10-4)。然而,如果测得的红外光度中只有 <20% 是由于尘埃的热发射造成的,则 [C ii] 与 IR 光度之比将是 (U)LIRG 的典型值,并且从 [C ii] 和红外光度得出的 SFR 将是一致的。这些结果提供了进一步的证据,即同步辐射对观察到的 J0410-0139 的静止帧红外发射有显著贡献,类似于在 z < 1 处一些射电响亮的活跃星系核中报道的情况。