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Dewi Richards Brown
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-17 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q2794
Peter Brown

Dewi was born in Cwmgwrach, Wales, on 4 March 1935, to David Brown, a coal miner, and Margaret Hannah (née Richards Lewis) Brown, and grew up in Glynneath. After Neath Grammar School, he attended Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, where he studied chemistry before deciding to pursue medicine at Charing Cross Hospital Medical School. Dewi excelled as a medical student and as a sportsman for Imperial …



Dewi 于 1935 年 3 月 4 日出生于威尔士的 Cwmgwrach,父亲是煤矿工人 David Brown 和 Margaret Hannah(née Richards Lewis)Brown,在 Glynneath 长大。从尼思文法学校毕业后,他就读于伦敦帝国理工学院,在那里他学习了化学,然后决定在查令十字医院医学院攻读医学。Dewi 作为一名医学生和帝国理工学院的运动员都表现出色......