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Leslie Bow Bartlet
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q2802 Cathy Hill, Victoria McGrigor, Josie Brown
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q2802 Cathy Hill, Victoria McGrigor, Josie Brown
Leslie was born in Southampton in 1928 but when he was 8 his family returned to Aberdeen, which remained his spiritual home. He qualified from Aberdeen University in 1951 and his first house job was, unusually, in a mental hospital in Scotland. In 2017 he published a vivid account of his time there, noting the seismic change in psychiatric practice during his long career. After house jobs he undertook national service, treating soldiers during the Korean War. As the only qualified doctor in his unit, and with no senior support, he relied on his resilience and intuition to make …
莱斯利于 1928 年出生在南安普敦,但在他 8 岁时,他的家人回到了阿伯丁,那里仍然是他的精神家园。他于 1951 年从阿伯丁大学获得资格,他的第一份家庭工作不同寻常地在苏格兰的一家精神病院工作。2017 年,他发表了一篇生动的文章,讲述了他在那段时间的经历,指出了在他漫长的职业生涯中,精神病学实践发生了翻天覆地的变化。做家务后,他开始服兵役,在朝鲜战争期间为士兵提供治疗。作为他所在单位唯一合格的医生,在没有高级支持的情况下,他依靠自己的韧性和直觉来做出......
莱斯利于 1928 年出生在南安普敦,但在他 8 岁时,他的家人回到了阿伯丁,那里仍然是他的精神家园。他于 1951 年从阿伯丁大学获得资格,他的第一份家庭工作不同寻常地在苏格兰的一家精神病院工作。2017 年,他发表了一篇生动的文章,讲述了他在那段时间的经历,指出了在他漫长的职业生涯中,精神病学实践发生了翻天覆地的变化。做家务后,他开始服兵役,在朝鲜战争期间为士兵提供治疗。作为他所在单位唯一合格的医生,在没有高级支持的情况下,他依靠自己的韧性和直觉来做出......