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How to transport a polar bear, and other idiosyncrasies in providing emergency medical services in the Arctic
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q2417 Astrid K V Harring, Siri Idland, Mari Mowe Martinsen, Ingelin Skjørland-Bolkesjø, Trine M Jørgensen
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.q2417 Astrid K V Harring, Siri Idland, Mari Mowe Martinsen, Ingelin Skjørland-Bolkesjø, Trine M Jørgensen
Emergency helicopters in Norway’s northern Svalbard archipelago sometimes take unusual passengers, write Astrid K V Harring and colleagues Six hundred miles north of mainland Norway, deep in the Arctic Circle, the Svalbard archipelago spans over 60 000 km2, with a population of just 2596. Longyearbyen, the “capital city,” has a small hospital to provide primary and emergency care. The hospital has 24 staff,1 including three doctors and at least one surgeon. Longyearbyen also has a fire department that has one ambulance with a stretcher. With few roads and rugged terrain, Svalbard has two search and rescue helicopters that also provide helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS)—and unusual transfer missions.2 Each helicopter crew includes a medical rescue technician, and one has an anaesthetist. The helicopters carry the same equipment as mainland HEMS bases, including a handheld ultrasound machine and blood products.2 Annually the crews conduct over 80 missions, mostly search and rescue or as primary responders to medical emergencies. Authorities have recorded fewer than five cardiac …
Astrid K V Harring 及其同事写道,挪威北部斯瓦尔巴群岛的应急直升机有时会搭载不寻常的乘客。斯瓦尔巴群岛位于挪威大陆以北 600 英里处,位于北极圈深处,面积超过 60,000 平方公里,人口只有 2596 人。“首都”朗伊尔城(Longyearbyen)有一家小型医院,提供初级和紧急护理。医院有 24 名员工,1 包括 3 名医生和至少 1 名外科医生。朗伊尔城还有一个消防部门,有一辆带担架的救护车。斯瓦尔巴群岛道路匮巄,地形崎岖不平,拥有两架搜救直升机,还提供直升机紧急医疗服务 (HEMS) 和不寻常的转移任务。每个直升机机组人员包括一名医疗救援技术人员,一名有一名麻醉师。直升机携带的设备与大陆 HEMS 基地相同,包括手持式超声机和血液制品。机组人员每年执行 80 多次任务,主要是搜救或作为医疗紧急情况的主要响应者。当局记录的心脏 ...
Astrid K V Harring 及其同事写道,挪威北部斯瓦尔巴群岛的应急直升机有时会搭载不寻常的乘客。斯瓦尔巴群岛位于挪威大陆以北 600 英里处,位于北极圈深处,面积超过 60,000 平方公里,人口只有 2596 人。“首都”朗伊尔城(Longyearbyen)有一家小型医院,提供初级和紧急护理。医院有 24 名员工,1 包括 3 名医生和至少 1 名外科医生。朗伊尔城还有一个消防部门,有一辆带担架的救护车。斯瓦尔巴群岛道路匮巄,地形崎岖不平,拥有两架搜救直升机,还提供直升机紧急医疗服务 (HEMS) 和不寻常的转移任务。每个直升机机组人员包括一名医疗救援技术人员,一名有一名麻醉师。直升机携带的设备与大陆 HEMS 基地相同,包括手持式超声机和血液制品。机组人员每年执行 80 多次任务,主要是搜救或作为医疗紧急情况的主要响应者。当局记录的心脏 ...