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Spillover among biodiversity attention, climate policy uncertainty and global stock markets
Finance Research Letters ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.frl.2024.106627
Dandan Ma, Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang, Wanli Zhao

This paper investigates the spillover effects among global climate policy uncertainty (GCPU), global biodiversity attention (GBA) and the stock markets of the G7 and BRICS nations. In the static network, GBA's spillover effects towards stock markets are mild, with the US market experiencing the highest net spillover, while GCPU shows a large and widespread effect on various stock markets. In the dynamic network, the results show the spillovers from GBA towards the US stock market and from GCPU towards various stock markets both increasing during international conferences related to climate change and biodiversity.



本文研究了全球气候政策不确定性 (GCPU)、全球生物多样性关注 (GBA) 以及 G7 和金砖国家股票市场之间的溢出效应。在静态网络中,大湾区对股市的溢出效应温和,美国市场的净溢出效应最高,而 GCPU 对各种股票市场的影响很大且广泛。在动态网络中,结果显示,在与气候变化和生物多样性相关的国际会议期间,从 GBA 到 GCPU 对各种股票市场的溢出效应都在增加。