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Enhancing simulations of biomass and nitrous oxide emissions in vineyard, orchard, and vegetable cropping systems
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2024.104243
Mu Hong, Yao Zhang, Lidong Li, Keith Paustian

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas with a high global warming potential. Specialty crop (SC) systems, including vineyards, orchards, and vegetable farms, are among the highest value crops grown and emit N2O. Knowledge regarding N2O emissions from SCs remains limited, necessitating simulations using process-based models. However, model calibration and validation for SC biomass dynamics and N2O emissions are lacking.



一氧化二氮 (N2O) 是一种强效温室气体,具有很高的全球变暖潜能值。特种作物 (SC) 系统,包括葡萄园、果园和蔬菜农场,是种植价值最高的作物之一,会排放 N2O。关于 SC 排放的 N2O 知识仍然有限,因此需要使用基于过程的模型进行模拟。然而,缺乏 SC 生物量动力学和 N2O 排放的模型校准和验证。