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Flotation separation of galena and chalcopyrite by using hydroxyl radicals from an Fe2+/NaClO system as depressants
Applied Surface Science ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2024.162128
Haiyu Zhang, Qinbo Cao, Yan Yan, Heng Zou, Xingguo Huang, Dianwen Liu

The flotation separation of galena (PbS) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) is not yet fully resolved due to the lack of efficient depressants. This study proposed a new depressant, i.e. an Fe2+/NaClO system, as an efficient PbS depressant. The inhibition effect of the Fe2+/NaClO system is attributed to the oxidation effect of •OH radicals from the reaction between HClO and Fe2+. The recovery of PbS is only 9.48 % and that of CuFeS2 is 82.33 % under the following conditions: pH 3.5, 4 min reaction time, 10:1 Fe2+:NaClO molar ratio and 1 × 10−2 mol/L NaClO concentration. Contact angle test results suggested that the hydrophobicity of PbS was decreased by conditioning with the Fe2+/NaClO system. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy results showed that the S2− species on the PbS surface was oxidised into SO42−, and thus, PbSO4 occurred on the PbS surface. Furthermore, SO42− concentration reached 61.67 % of the total S species. Oxidative production coated the PbS surface well, depressing PbS flotation. However, the Fe2+/NaClO system barely changed the components of the CuFeS2 surface. The CuFeS2 surface still exhibits a high hydrophobic level. Therefore, PbS can be efficiently separated from CuFeS2 by using the Fe2+/NaClO system.


使用来自 Fe2+/NaClO 系统的羟基自由基作为抑制剂,浮选分离方铅矿和黄铜矿

由于缺乏有效的抑制剂,方铅矿 (PbS) 和黄铜矿 (CuFeS2) 的浮选分离尚未完全解决。本研究提出了一种新的抑制剂,即 Fe2+/NaClO 系统,作为一种有效的 PbS 抑制剂。Fe2+/NaClO 系统的抑制作用归因于 HClO 和 Fe2+ 反应中 •OH 自由基的氧化作用。在以下条件下,PbS 的回收率仅为 9.48 %,CuFeS2 的回收率为 82.33 %:pH 3.5、4 分钟反应时间、10:1 Fe2+:NaClO 摩尔比和 1 × 10−2 mol/L NaClO 浓度。接触角测试结果表明,用 Fe2+/NaClO 系统调节降低了 PbS 的疏水性。X 射线光电子能谱结果表明,PbS 表面的 S2− 物质被氧化成 SO42−,因此,PbS 表面出现 PbSO4。此外,SO42− 浓度达到 S 总种类的 61.67%。氧化生成很好地覆盖了 PbS 表面,抑制了 PbS 浮选。然而,Fe2+/NaClO 系统几乎没有改变 CuFeS2 表面的成分。CuFeS2 表面仍然表现出高疏水性。因此,通过使用 Fe2+/NaClO 系统,可以有效地将 PbS 与 CuFeS2 分离。