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Perceived Value, Environmental Regulation, and Farmers' Cultivated Land Quality Protection Practices
Land Degradation & Development ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 , DOI: 10.1002/ldr.5429
Zhong Ren

Promoting farmers to implement cultivated land quality protection practices is an effective strategy for combating soil degradation in cultivated land. Based on 528 survey data, perceived value and environmental regulation are hereby introduced into the model of farmers' cultivated land quality protection practical decision-making for the first time, and the Multivariate Probit model and Tobit model are employed to examine the influence of perceived value and environmental regulation on farmers' cultivated land quality protection practices. The results show that: firstly, perceived value and environmental regulation enhance the intensity of farmers' cultivated land quality protection practices, with perceived benefits (0.048) and incentive regulation (0.052) having a more pronounced effect. Secondly, incentive regulation facilitates to improve the practice intensity of farmers with a higher perceived value level, while guiding regulation contributes to improving the practice intensity of farmers with a lower level of perceived risks. Thirdly, the practice intensity of the old generation is mainly influenced by perceived benefits (0.056) and incentive regulation (0.062), while the new generation is primarily influenced by perceived risks (0.039) and guiding regulation (0.061). Therefore, the government should consider the overall effects of perceived value and environmental regulation on farmers in promoting practices for cultivated land quality protection.



促进农民实施耕地质量保护措施是对抗耕地土壤退化的有效策略。基于528份调查数据,特此首次将感知价值和环境规制引入农户耕地质量保护实践决策模型,并采用多元概率模型和Tobit模型考察感知价值和环境规制对农户耕地质量保护实践的影响。结果表明:首先,感知价值和环境调节增强了农民耕地质量保护实践的强度,其中感知收益 (0.048) 和激励调节 (0.052) 的效果更为明显。(2)激励性监管有助于提高感知价值水平较高的农民的实践强度,而引导性监管有助于提高感知风险水平较低的农民的实践强度。(3)老一代的实践强度主要受感知收益(0.056)和激励调节(0.062)的影响,而新一代主要受感知风险(0.039)和引导性调节(0.061)的影响。因此,政府在促进耕地质量保护实践时,应考虑感知价值和环境监管对农民的整体影响。