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A review of smart vehicles in smart cities: Dangers, impacts, and the threat landscape
Vehicular Communications ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2024.100871
Brooke Kidmose

The humble, mechanical automobile has gradually evolved into our modern connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs)—also known as “smart vehicles.” Similarly, our cities are gradually developing into “smart cities,” where municipal services from transportation networks to utilities to recycling to law enforcement are integrated. The idea, with both smart vehicles and smart cities, is that more data leads to better, more informed decisions. Smart vehicles and smart cities would acquire data from their own equipment (e.g., cameras, sensors) and from their connections—e.g., connections to fellow smart vehicles, to road-side infrastructure, to smart transportation systems (STSs), etc.



不起眼的机械汽车已逐渐演变成我们现代的互联和自动驾驶汽车 (CAV),也称为“智能汽车”。同样,我们的城市正逐渐发展成为“智慧城市”,从交通网络到公用事业,从回收到执法,市政服务都得到了整合。智能汽车和智慧城市的理念是,更多的数据会带来更好、更明智的决策。智能汽车和智慧城市将从自己的设备(例如摄像头、传感器)和它们的连接(例如,与其他智能车辆的连接、路边基础设施、智能交通系统 (STS) 等)获取数据。