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Mapping the liquid territories of the Danube Delta (Romania): The atlases of the European Commission of the Danube
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.04.009
Ștefan Constantinescu, Marius Budileanu, Cristina Andra Vrînceanu

The European Commission of the Danube (ECD) 1856–1939 published an impressive number of maps, the most important being included in four atlases. However, despite previous efforts, until 1870, no precise map of the Danube Delta based on a unitary triangulation survey has been published. This article examines the mapping effort to recreate the triangulation network containing all the 110 points, based on the distances specified in the 1874 atlas, landmarks discovered during fieldwork and other reference layers used for georeferencing the 1870, 1886 and 1902 maps. Moreover, it offers supplementary information about ECD's vision of the liquid territories and their central feature: water and its representation on cartographic material. In our explanation, we explore the differences between various cartographic products and other sources of information used by the European Commission of the Danube to update its navigation charts. By reproducing these mapping efforts, we highlight the technical challenges for accurately mapping the Danube Delta's everchanging territory. Furthermore, by carrying out the work on digitising and indexing available cartographic material and validating them for accuracy we deliver an enhanced resource that can provide a new understanding for these maps, given their political and economic message. Finally, in this article we offer some reflections on the possible propaganda role the atlases may have played, as the accurate map building role of the ECD does not only assert technical mastery, but also makes a statement of control over the mapped territory.



1856-1939 年,多瑙河欧洲委员会 (European Commission of the Danube) (ECD) 出版了大量地图,其中最重要的地图集收录在四本地图集中。然而,尽管之前做出了努力,但直到 1870 年,还没有发布基于单一三角测量的多瑙河三角洲的精确地图。本文研究了根据 1874 年地图集中指定的距离、实地考察期间发现的地标以及用于对 1870 年、1886 年和 1902 年地图进行地理配准的其他参考图层,重新创建包含所有 110 个点的三角测量网络的制图工作。此外,它还提供了有关 ECD 对液体区域及其中心特征的愿景:水及其在制图材料上的表示的补充信息。在我们的解释中,我们探讨了多瑙河欧盟委员会用于更新其导航图表的各种制图产品和其他信息来源之间的差异。通过重现这些测绘工作,我们强调了准确绘制多瑙河三角洲不断变化的领土的技术挑战。此外,通过对可用的制图材料进行数字化和索引化工作,并验证它们的准确性,我们提供了增强的资源,可以根据这些地图的政治和经济信息为这些地图提供新的理解。最后,在本文中,我们对地图集可能发挥的宣传作用进行了一些思考,因为 ECD 的准确地图构建作用不仅表明了技术掌握,而且还表明了对地图区域的控制。