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Evaluation of the InSightSeers and DART Boarders mission observer programmes
Nature Astronomy ( IF 12.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02434-1
Benjamin Fernando, Claire Newman, Ingrid J. Daubar, Caroline Beghein, Nancy L. Chabot, Jessica C. E. Irving, Catherine L. Johnson, Mark P. Panning, Ana-Catalina Plesa, Andrew S. Rivkin, Sue Smrekar, W. Bruce Banerdt

Encouraging diversity in planetary science requires making a particular effort to bring a broader range of people onto the mission teams that are the backbone of the field. Observer programmes, which offer early-career researchers the chance to embed within a mission team during a science meeting, are one way of doing this. Here we present a quantitative analysis of the effectiveness of two observer programmes: InSightSeers and DART Boarders, linked respectively to the InSight and the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) missions, using a mixture of one-group pre-test/post-test and one-group post-test only evaluation methods, with a total of 56 participants. We find substantial educational value added to participants from both programmes, with particular strengths being the effectiveness of these programmes at providing an introduction to mission teams and international collaborations. This work demonstrates that mission observer programmes can be an effective way of exposing early-career researchers to planetary science missions.


对 InSightSeers 和 DART Boarders 任务观察员计划的评估

鼓励行星科学的多样性需要特别努力,让更广泛的人加入作为该领域支柱的任务团队。观察员计划是实现这一目标的一种方式,该计划为早期职业研究人员提供了在科学会议期间融入任务团队的机会。在这里,我们提出了两个观察员计划的有效性定量分析:InSightSeers 和 DART Boarders,分别与 InSight 和双小行星重定向测试 (DART) 任务相关联,使用单组前测/后测和单组后测后评估方法的混合,共有 56 名参与者。我们发现这两个项目为参与者增加了巨大的教育价值,特别的优势是这些项目在介绍宣教团队和国际合作方面的有效性。这项工作表明,任务观察员计划可以成为让早期职业研究人员接触行星科学任务的有效方式。
