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Roman Silchester and beyond
Antiquity ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 , DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2024.214
Neil Holbrook

These two volumes arise from Michael Fulford's career-long programme of fieldwork research at the Roman town of Silchester, which is 80km west of London at the intersection of two important roads. The Little London report is part of a wider project examining the developments that took place at Silchester in the first few decades of the Roman occupation of Britain. It is concerned with the excavation of pottery and tile kilns 3km from the city. Oppidum to Roman city is the final volume of five describing the excavations between 1997 and 2014 within insula IX in the heart of the city.


罗曼·西尔切斯特 (Roman Silchester) 及其他

这两卷书源于迈克尔·富尔福德 (Michael Fulford) 在罗马小镇锡尔切斯特 (Silchester) 的职业生涯中长达职业生涯的田野调查计划,该镇位于伦敦以西 80 公里处,位于两条重要道路的交汇处。小伦敦报告是一个更广泛项目的一部分,该项目研究了罗马占领英国最初几十年在西尔切斯特发生的事态发展。它涉及距离城市 3 公里的陶器和瓦窑的挖掘。Oppidum to Roman city 是五卷中的最后一卷,描述了 1997 年至 2014 年间在市中心的 insula IX 内的发掘工作。
