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Proliferation dynamic of Paranosema locustae after infection and histopathogenic features on Locusta migratoria
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-16 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8601
Fan Huo, Huixia Liu, Weiqi Guo, Hanye Kang, Huihui Zhang, Roman Jashenko, Rong Ji, Hongxia Hu

Paranosema locustae are specialized parasites of Orthoptera that have been applied widely in the control of grasshoppers in many parts of the world. However, it is slow to kill insects, and how it works in the host is unclear. This work aimed to examine the proliferation of P. locustae within locust tissues and characterize the histological alterations occurring in the midgut, hindgut, and gonads of infected Locusta migratoria. The results showed that during the later stage of infection, the reproduction of P. locustae was most prominent in the fat body and salivary glands (109.26 and 108.91 copies /ug DNA, respectively). In contrast, the load of P. locustae was least in the craw and midgut (107.37 and 107.58 copies /ug DNA, respectively), illustrating that the proliferation of P. locustae in the body of locusts had a tissue tendency. The histopathological study revealed that lesions in the hindgut occurred prior to those in the midgut, indicating that P. locustae may have a mechanism for survival that enables it to avoid immune responses in specific organs. The testis exhibited earlier lesions compared to the ovaries, and in the advanced stages of infection, the testis harbored a higher load of P. locustae than the ovaries, suggesting a more pronounced impact on the male reproductive organs in comparison to the female ones. The results of our study enhance our comprehension of the rapid growth and disease‐causing mechanism of P. locustae, which can serve as a basis for enhancing its ability to kill insects. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.



Paranosema locustae 是直翅目的特殊寄生虫,已在世界许多地方广泛用于控制蚱蜢。然而,它杀死昆虫的速度很慢,而且它在宿主中的作用尚不清楚。这项工作旨在检查蝗虫在蝗虫组织中的增殖,并表征受感染的蝗虫迁徙中肠、后肠和性腺发生的组织学改变。结果表明,在感染后期,蝗虫在脂肪体和唾液腺中的繁殖最为突出 (分别为 109.26 和 108.91 拷贝/ug DNA)。相比之下,蝗虫在蝗虫和中肠中的载量最少(分别为 107.37 和 107.58 拷贝/ug DNA),说明蝗虫在蝗虫体内的增殖具有组织倾向。组织病理学研究显示,后肠病变发生在中肠病变之前,这表明蝗虫可能具有一种生存机制,使其能够避免特定器官的免疫反应。与卵巢相比,睾丸表现出较早的病变,并且在感染的晚期,睾丸比卵巢含有更高的蝗虫负荷,这表明与女性相比,对雄性生殖器官的影响更明显。我们的研究结果增强了我们对蝗虫快速生长和致病机制的理解,这可以作为增强其杀虫能力的基础。© 2024 化工学会.