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Mixture of neonicotinoid and fungicide affects foraging activity of honeybees
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2024.104613
Antonia Schuhmann, Ricarda Scheiner

The use of plant protection products (PPPs) is a major factor contributing to global insect decline. We here use the honeybee (Apis mellifera) as a model to study combined effects of the last neonicotinoid in the EU (acetamiprid) and different fungicides on live-long foraging flights using radio frequency identification. The mixture of the sterol-biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicide difenoconazole and the insecticide acetamiprid significantly reduced the number of foraging trips per day compared to the control and each PPP alone, while a mixture of the insecticide with the non-sterol-biosynthesis inhibiting fungicide boscalid/dimoxystrobin did not affect behaviour. This potential synergistic effect of the fungicide/insecticide mixture supports the notion that some fungicides can enhance the effect of insecticides, which did not lead to significant changes in behaviour when applied on their own. Our results emphasize the need for more studies on the interaction of different PPPs.



植物保护产品 (PPP) 的使用是导致全球昆虫数量减少的主要因素。我们在这里使用蜜蜂 (Apis mellifera) 作为模型,使用射频识别研究欧盟最后的新烟碱类化合物 (啶虫脒) 和不同杀菌剂对长寿觅食飞行的综合影响。与对照和单独的每种 PPP 相比,抑制甾醇生物合成的杀菌剂苯醚甲环唑和杀虫剂啶虫脒的混合物显着减少了每天的觅食次数,而杀虫剂与非甾醇生物合成抑制杀菌剂啶酰/二羟基酯的混合物不会影响行为。杀菌剂/杀虫剂混合物的这种潜在协同作用支持了这样一种观点,即一些杀菌剂可以增强杀虫剂的效果,而单独使用时,杀虫剂的行为不会发生显著变化。我们的结果强调需要对不同 PPP 之间的相互作用进行更多研究。