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Using National IVF Registries to Validate Clinical Outcomes Following IVF Covered by Health Insurance.
Fertility and Sterility ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2024.12.015
David Suh,Phyllis Yan,Rodney L Dunn,Edward C Norton,Vanessa K Dalton,Erica E Marsh,Marissa S Weiss,James M Dupree

OBJECTIVE To evaluate in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles covered by health insurance using a national commercial claims database and to validate key clinical events against national IVF registries. DESIGN Retrospective cohort study SUBJECTS: US women aged 20-44 who underwent IVF from 2005 to 2020 in Optum's de-identified Clinformatics® Data Mart Database (CDM). EXPOSURE Undergoing IVF MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: IVF cycles and rates of pregnancies (inclusive of losses and terminations), live births, and live birth types (e.g., singleton, twin, and triplet or higher order). RESULTS We identified more than 3,000 IVF cycles in each year from 2005 to 2020 within CDM. When comparing our rates of clinical outcomes to external benchmark data, the results were similar across all the years of our study. For example, in 2020 the percentage of pregnancies after first embryo transfer was 62.03% (95% CI: 59.48-64.47) in CDM and 64.96% in data from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART). The rate of live birth after first embryo transfer was 44.58% (95% CI: 41.90-47.21) in CDM in 2020 and 46.95% in SART in 2020. The rate of singleton births was 94.17% (95% CI: 92.24-96.10) in CDM in 2020; and this rate was 94.37% in SART in 2020. For twin births, the rate was 5.48% (95% CI: 3.60-7.35) in CDM in 2020 and 5.46% in SART in 2020. The rate of triplet or higher order births was 0.35% (95% CI: 0.00-0.84) in CDM in 2020 and 0.17% in SART in 2020. CONCLUSION We found CDM can be used to accurately identify IVF cycles covered by insurance and key clinical outcomes such as rates of pregnancies, live births, and live birth types, and our reported rates were similar to national IVF clinical registry data. Our findings support that CDM is a robust data source to conduct research about IVF insurance coverage and can accurately evaluate clinical outcomes resulting from IVF. Policymakers who are considering insurance coverage for IVF can use CDM to model and measure the impact of new or existing policies for IVF insurance coverage.


使用国家 IVF 登记处来验证健康保险承保的 IVF 后的临床结果。

目的 使用国家商业索赔数据库评估健康保险涵盖的体外受精 (IVF) 周期,并根据国家 IVF 登记处验证关键临床事件。设计 回顾性队列研究对象:2005 年至 2020 年在 Optum 去标识化的临床信息学®数据集市数据库 (CDM) 中接受 IVF 的 20-44 岁美国女性。暴露 接受 IVF 主要结局指标:IVF 周期和妊娠率(包括损失和终止)、活产和活产类型(例如,单胎、双胎和三胞胎或更高阶)。结果 从 2005 年到 2020 年,我们在 CDM 中每年确定了 3,000 多个 IVF 周期。将我们的临床结局率与外部基准数据进行比较时,我们研究的所有年份的结果都是相似的。例如,2020 年,CDM 中首次胚胎移植后怀孕的百分比为 62.03% (95% CI: 59.48-64.47),辅助生殖技术协会 (SART) 的数据为 64.96%。2020 年 CDM 首次胚胎移植后活产率为 44.58% (95% CI: 41.90-47.21),2020 年 SART 为 46.95%。2020 年 CDM 单胎出生率为 94.17% (95% CI: 92.24-96.10);而 94.37 年 SART 的这一比率为 2020%。对于双胞胎出生,2020 年 CDM 的比率为 5.48% (95% CI: 3.60-7.35),2020 年 SART 为 5.46%。2020 年 CDM 的三胞胎或更高阶出生率为 0.35% (95% CI: 0.00-0.84),2020 年 SART 为 0.17%。结论 我们发现 CDM 可用于准确识别保险涵盖的 IVF 周期和关键临床结局,例如怀孕率、活产率和活产类型,我们报告的比率与国家 IVF 临床登记数据相似。 我们的研究结果支持 CDM 是进行 IVF 保险范围研究的可靠数据源,并且可以准确评估 IVF 产生的临床结果。正在考虑 IVF 保险范围的政策制定者可以使用 CDM 来建模和衡量新的或现有的 IVF 保险政策的影响。