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Determination of forest communities on the basis of small plots (microplots) within the geomorphologically diverse landscape of the Kras plateau (Italy, Slovenia)
Forest Ecosystems ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-11-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100283
Aljaž Jakob, Mateja Breg Valjavec, Andraž Čarni

The article deals with forest communities that develop on small surfaces on steep gradients of the geomorphologically diverse landscape of the Kras plateau. They appear in small depressions called dolines, where a steep gradient of ecological conditions appears over a small spatial scale. We tried to detect the turnover of forest communities on this small scale and steep gradient with small plots (microplots) of 4 ​m2 arranged in a continuous transect. We sampled only the ground layer and estimated the cover of each vascular plant species. The main problem was that we could not sample vegetation plots in standard sizes, which would allow a standard classification procedure. We built an expert system based on all of the relevant standard vegetation plots from the region and applied this system on a microplot matrix. We classified one third of microplots in this way, but the remainder were classified by semi-supervised k-means clustering. We thus established 8 communities that appear in dolines and compared their characteristics and ecological conditions by Ellenberg indicator values. Our results show that oak-hornbeam forests can be found in the bottom of dolines. Towards the bottom of deeper dolines, mesophilous ravine forests dominated by sycamore on rocky places, and sessile oak forests on deeper soils appear. On lower slopes, thermophilous ravine forests dominated by limes appear on rocky places. Upper slopes are dominated by Turkey oak, hophornbeam-pubescent oak forests and shrub formations. Turkey oak forests can be found on rather deeper soils than hophornbeam-pubescent oak forests. At the top, hophornbeam-pubescent oak forests can be found that build the zonal vegetation of the region. On rock walls vegetation of rock crevices can be found. The high biodiversity of the region supports the idea that diverse karstic features might have the potential for formation of refugia in future foreseen climate change, related to the potential of karstic relief to create diverse climatic conditions.



本文介绍了在克拉斯高原地貌多样景观的陡峭坡度上的小表面上发育的森林群落。它们出现在称为 dolines 的小洼地中,其中生态条件的陡峭梯度出现在较小的空间尺度上。我们试图在这种小尺度和陡峭的梯度上检测森林群落的周转,将 4 m2 的小地块(微地块)排列成连续样带。我们只对地层进行了采样,并估计了每种维管植物物种的覆盖率。主要问题是我们无法对标准大小的植被地块进行采样,而标准尺寸的植被图将允许使用标准的分类程序。我们基于该地区的所有相关标准植被图构建了一个专家系统,并将该系统应用于微图矩阵。我们以这种方式对 1/3 的微图进行了分类,但其余的则通过半监督 k-means 聚类进行分类。因此,我们建立了 8 个出现在 dolines 中的群落,并通过 Ellenberg 指标值比较了它们的特征和生态条件。结果表明,橡树-鹅耳枥林可以在圆柱线的底部找到。在更深的沟壑底部,出现了以岩石上的梧桐为主的中温峡谷森林,以及更深土壤上的无柄橡树林。在较低的山坡上,以石灰为主的嗜热峡谷森林出现在岩石上。上部斜坡以土耳其橡树、hophornbeam 短柔毛橡树林和灌木结构为主。土耳其橡树林可以在比跳翼春枥短柔毛橡树林更深的土壤上找到。在顶部,可以找到 hophornbeam 短柔毛橡树林,它们构成了该地区的带状植被。在岩壁上可以找到岩石裂缝的植被。 该地区丰富的生物多样性支持这样一种观点,即在未来可预见的气候变化中,不同的岩溶特征可能有可能形成避难所,这与岩溶地势可能创造不同的气候条件有关。