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Soft quark effects on H+jet production at NLP accuracy
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.139179
Sourav Pal, Satyajit Seth

We define soft quark operators that enable construction of colour-ordered helicity amplitudes out of the non-radiative ones. We explore these operators for Higgs plus one jet production in a hadron collider and study the next-to-leading power corrections on all partonic channels involving quark(s) and/or anti-quark(s). We also investigate the effect of next-to-soft gluon radiation in these channels employing the technique illustrated in [1]. Analytical expressions of next-to-leading power leading logarithms thus obtained are simple and compact in nature. Further, we discuss the connection of such logarithms with that of the pseudo-scalar Higgs plus one jet production.


在 NLP 精度下,软夸克对 H+jet 生产的影响

我们定义了软夸克算子,这些算子可以从非辐射振幅中构建有色有序的螺旋振幅。我们探讨了强子对撞机中希格斯加一个射流产生的这些算子,并研究了涉及夸克和/或反夸克的所有部分子通道上次列前列的功率校正。我们还使用 [1] 中所示的技术研究了近软胶子辐射在这些通道中的影响。由此获得的次次高峰前导对数的解析表达式本质上是简单而紧凑的。此外,我们讨论了这种对数与伪标量 Higgs 加 1 喷流产生的对数的联系。