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A case for supporting human long-term survival on the moon: “Lunar Palace 365” mission
Acta Astronautica ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.12.002
Yuming Fu, Hui Liu, Dianlei Liu, Dawei Hu, Beizhen Xie, Guanghui Liu, Zhihao Yi, Hong Liu

The bioregenerative life support system (BLSS) is a critical technology that enables long-term human survival on the Moon and other extraterrestrial bodies. In this study, we conducted a 370-day, high-closure integrated mission (“Lunar Palace 365”) on Earth in an upgraded ground-based BLSS facility named “Lunar Palace 1”. This experiment aimed to develop technologies to maintain and adjust system stability under long-term operational conditions and crew shifts. Eight volunteer crew members were organized into two groups that inhabited the Lunar Palace 1 in three phases: Group I resided in the cabin for the initial 60-day phase; Group II resided in the cabin for a record-breaking duration of 200 days as the second phase; Group I re-entered the cabin, replacing Group II, and remained for the final 110 days. The system demonstrated strong robustness, quickly minimizing the effects of disturbances through various regulation methods such as the soybean photoperiod and solid waste reactor activity. The BLSS achieved a 100 % recycling regeneration of O2 and water for human use. The plant production efficiency fully met the crew's need for plant-based food. The recovery proportions of urine and solid waste reached 99.7 % and 67 %, respectively. The BLSS demonstrated excellent stability, with 98.2 % of materials crucial for human survival being recycled and regenerated. These results provide valuable insights for further optimizing BLSS for lunar bases and for simulating similar systems computationally.


支持人类在月球上长期生存的案例:“月宫 365”任务

生物再生生命支持系统 (BLSS) 是一项关键技术,可实现人类在月球和其他地外天体上的长期生存。在这项研究中,我们在名为“月宫 365”的升级地面 BLSS 设施中在地球上进行了一项为期 370 天、高度封闭的综合任务(“月宫 1”)。该实验旨在开发在长期运行条件和机组人员轮班下保持和调整系统稳定性的技术。八名志愿机组人员被分成两组,分三个阶段居住在月宫 1 号:第一组在最初的 60 天阶段居住在小屋中;作为第二阶段,第 II 组在小屋中居住了创纪录的 200 天;I 组重新进入机舱,取代 II 组,并在最后 110 天内停留。该系统表现出强大的稳健性,通过各种调节方法(如大豆光周期和固体废物反应器活性)迅速将干扰的影响降至最低。BLSS 实现了 O2 和水的 100% 回收再生供人类使用。工厂的生产效率完全满足了船员对植物性食品的需求。尿液和固体废物的回收比例分别达到 99.7 % 和 67 %。BLSS 表现出优异的稳定性,98.2% 对人类生存至关重要的材料被回收和再生。这些结果为进一步优化月球基地的 BLSS 和计算模拟类似系统提供了有价值的见解。