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Effects of preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy on embryo transfer outcomes in women of advanced reproductive age with no more than three retrieved oocytes
Fertility and Sterility ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2024.12.010
Zhanhui Ou M.D. Ph.D., Nengqing Liu M.D., Ang Chen M.D., Qingni Li B.S., Jieliang Li M.D., Xiaojun Wen M.D., Junye Huo B.S., Xiaowu Fang M.D. Ph.D., Jing Du M.D. Ph.D., Xiufeng Lin M.D. Ph.D.

To evaluate whether preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) benefits women of advanced reproductive age (≥38 years old) with a diminished ovarian reserve (not more than three retrieved oocytes).


非整倍体植入前基因检测对取卵不超过 3 个的高龄育龄妇女胚胎移植结局的影响

评估胚胎植入前非整倍体基因检测 (PGT-A) 是否有益于卵巢储备减少(不超过 3 个取卵母细胞)的高龄育龄妇女 (≥38 岁)。