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Dealing with travel influencers: Opportunity or threat?
Tourism Management ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2024.105112
Achilleas Boukis, Delphine Caruelle, Lloyd Harris

This work offers a firm perspective on the travel influencer (TI) literature by investigating how employees evaluate TI threat-framed requests. Drawing on three experimental studies with employees in the hotel industry, we provide insights into how they process and respond to different forms of TI requests. Study 1 shows that employees are less likely to accept the TI's request for collaboration when this request is framed as a threat (vs. an opportunity) but are more likely to experience a negative emotional state from dealing with this request. Study 2 replicates these effects in a high-knowledge decision-making context. Study 3 shows that TIs' perceived power impacts employees' willingness to accept the TI's request for collaboration and moderates how employees experience different request framings in their affective evaluations. Our findings contribute to the developing TI literature and provide insights on how TIs should adapt their communication style to initiate partnerships with hotels.



这项工作通过调查员工如何评估 TI 威胁框架请求,为旅行影响者 (TI) 文献提供了坚实的视角。借鉴对酒店行业员工的三项实验研究,我们深入了解他们如何处理和响应不同形式的 TI 请求。研究 1 表明,当 TI 的协作请求被定性为威胁(而不是机会)时,员工不太可能接受 TI 的协作请求,但更有可能在处理此请求时经历负面的情绪状态。研究 2 在高知识决策环境中复制了这些影响。研究 3 表明,透明国际的感知权力会影响员工接受透明国际合作请求的意愿,并调节员工在情感评估中体验不同请求框架的方式。我们的研究结果有助于发展 TI 文献,并就 TI 应如何调整其沟通方式以启动与酒店的合作伙伴关系提供了见解。