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The Symbiotic Production of Food and Green Electricity: Consumer Preferences for Food Produced in Agrivoltaic Systems
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-13 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.4080
Maureen Schulze, Kristin Jürkenbeck

In light of the commitment by EU member states to achieve climate neutrality for the European continent by 2050, the expansion of renewable energy sources emerges as a significant challenge of our time. Agrivoltaic systems, which combine the production of renewable energy and food, offer a solution to alleviate the competition for limited land resources. However, scientific insights into whether consumers value food produced in agrivoltaic systems are lacking, so far. Knowledge of consumers' preferences is, however, crucial to successfully commercialize food production within agrivoltaic systems. This study addresses this research gap by conducting a hypothetical choice experiment with a sample of 448 German consumers. It examines consumers' preferences for food produced in agrivoltaic systems, using raspberries as a case study. Results of the random parameter logit (RPL) modeling revealed that consumers are willing to pay a premium for food labeled with information about the production of green electricity. Additionally, information on reduced plastic and water usage of food produced within agrivoltaics systems were also valued, next to domestic and regional production. A latent class segmentation was carried out for the targeted marketing for food produced in agrivoltaic systems. This resulted in four distinct consumer segments that differ according to their preference structure. Targeted recommendations are provided to enhance consumer acceptance and facilitate the diffusion of agrivoltaic systems.



鉴于欧盟成员国承诺到 2050 年实现欧洲大陆的气候中和,可再生能源的扩张成为我们这个时代的重大挑战。农业光伏系统结合了可再生能源和食品的生产,为缓解对有限土地资源的竞争提供了一种解决方案。然而,到目前为止,还缺乏关于消费者是否重视农业光伏系统中生产的食品的科学见解。然而,了解消费者的偏好对于在农业光伏系统中成功实现食品生产的商业化至关重要。本研究通过对 448 名德国消费者的样本进行假设选择实验来解决这一研究空白。它以覆盆子为案例研究,研究了消费者对农业光伏系统生产的食品的偏好。随机参数 logit (RPL) 建模的结果显示,消费者愿意为标有绿色电力生产信息的食品支付溢价。此外,关于减少农业光伏系统生产的食品的塑料和水使用量的信息也受到重视,仅次于国内和区域生产。对农业光伏系统中生产的食品进行有针对性的营销,进行了潜在类别细分。这导致了四个不同的消费者群体,它们根据他们的偏好结构而有所不同。提供有针对性的建议,以提高消费者的接受度并促进农业光伏系统的推广。