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Assessing cigarette butt pollution on recreational beaches: A comparative study of two sampling methods and their impact on metal release
Marine Pollution Bulletin ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.117416
Kosar Kouhi, Akram Abbasi-Tajaddod, Fathollah Gholami-Borujeni

Discarded cigarette butts (CBs) are a significant source of environmental pollution. In areas with large amounts of cigarette waste, environmental hazards may arise due to the leaching of chemicals from filters and smoked tobacco. Accurately estimating the number of CBs on beaches requires a standardized method. Additionally, estimating the release of metals from these pollutants can provide important insights into beach pollution. This study compares two sampling methods to estimate CB waste on recreational beaches and evaluate the potential release of metals. In this combined experimental and meta-analysis study, circular methods with diameters of 5, 10, and 15 m were compared to a Flood Accumulation Zone (FAZ) method (1 m by 10 m, parallel to the waterline). Systematic study methods and meta-analysis were applied to estimate the release of metals along the Caspian Sea beaches. The Kruskal-Wallis test revealed significant differences in the averages of at least one sampling method (P < 0.006). Follow-up Mann-Whitney U tests showed no significant differences among the circular methods, but all circular methods significantly differed from the FAZ method (P < 0.05). The difference between the circular methods was smaller than the difference with the FAZ method. The minimum and maximum metal concentrations, in micrograms per square meter of Caspian Sea beaches, were associated with mercury and manganese. Circular methods with different diameters did not significantly differ and are effective in reducing CB accumulation due to coastal waves and wind. These methods can be considered standard for estimating CBs on beaches. Cigarette waste acts as a point source of metal pollution, with rapid leaching of metals increasing the risk of acute harm to coastal and marine organisms.



废弃的烟头 (CB) 是环境污染的重要来源。在卷烟废弃物较多的地区,由于过滤嘴和烟熏烟草中的化学物质浸出,可能会对环境造成危害。准确估计海滩上 CB 的数量需要一种标准化的方法。此外,估计这些污染物释放的金属可以为海滩污染提供重要的见解。本研究比较了两种采样方法,以估计休闲海滩上的 CB 废物并评估金属的潜在释放。在这项结合实验和荟萃分析的研究中,将直径为 5 米、10 米和 15 米的圆形方法与洪水蓄积区 (FAZ) 方法(1 米 x 10 米,平行于吃水线)进行了比较。采用系统的研究方法和荟萃分析来估计里海海滩沿岸金属的释放量。Kruskal-Wallis 检验显示至少一种抽样方法的平均值存在显著差异 (P < 0.006)。随访的 Mann-Whitney U 检验显示循环方法之间没有显著差异,但所有循环方法与 FAZ 方法均显著不同 (P < 0.05)。循环方法之间的差异小于与 FAZ 方法之间的差异。里海海滩的最低和最高金属浓度(以每平方米微克为单位)与汞和锰有关。不同直径的圆形方法没有显著差异,可有效减少沿海波浪和风引起的 CB 积累。这些方法可以被认为是估计海滩 CB 的标准。 香烟废料是金属污染的点源,金属的快速浸出增加了对沿海和海洋生物造成严重伤害的风险。